✿ ⚬ Sapnap ⚬ ✿ || I'm So Sorry ||

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Woo! I was gone for some some, but I'm back, and in an angsty mood! Lots of angst coming up!

Warnings : ED

Category : Hurt/Comfort/Angst

Idea : My own

Disclaimer : Throughout this chapter, Y/N calls Sapnap by his real name. (Nick) Due to the fact that he is not comfortable with fans calling him this, please refrain from using his real name in comments. Thank you! <3

It's been about twenty minutes since I told Nick that I was going to take a shower. I wasn't lying or anything! But.. I haven't exactly showered yet.

I've been standing in the middle of the room, staring into the mirror, water running in the background. I can't stand looking at myself, but I can't but just stare at this shell of what used to be me.

What the hell does Nick even see in me? I'm starting to think that he's only with me because he pity's me..

Fuck, that's probably it. Pity.

I mean, look at me. My face is already bad enough! Not to mention the rest of me.

I sighed, tears filling my eyes.

This isn't exactly a rare occurrence.

It only happens, you know, every single time that I look in the mirror.

I've been heavily limiting my food for the last 2 months, and have made no progress. I think it's time I just stop eating all together.

Working out didn't help, eating healthily did nothing, restricting food isn't working. Fuck, starving's my only option..

I sighed, wiping my tears, before stepping into the shower.

"Babe, dinner's ready!" Nick called from the kitchen. Fuck.

"I already ate! Thank you, though!" I yelled back.

After a few moments of silence, a figure appeared in my doorway.

"No you didn't.. you just got out of the shower!" Said Nick, walking towards my bed, which I was seated in the middle of.

"Yeah- I-I meant that I ate a lot at lunch, so I'm still full..." I said, failing miserably at my attempt of sounding convincing.

"Y/N.. You didn't eat lunch.. You said that you were still full from breakfast.. What's going on..?" He asked, now sounding concerned.

"Nothing, love. Just not hungry.." I said, attempting to smile reassuringly.

As if I wasn't already struggling enough to sound convincing, my stomach rumbled.

"I'm not so sure that's true.." He said, sitting down next to me. "Please be honest with me, Y/N. Why haven't you been eating recently? I haven't said anything because I thought that you just went hungry, but I'm getting worried.." He said, causing me to feel a pang of guilt.

"I-I.." I sighed, tears filling my eyes for what felt like the millionth time that day.

"You're not trying to starve yourself, are you..?" He asked, softly.

I couldn't answer. I couldn't lie, but I sure as hell wasn't about to tell him the truth.

My silence was enough of an answer for him.

"Baby.. Why would you do that..?" He asked, gently intertwining our fingers together.

"I- I just.. I don't know, Nick!" I said, beginning to sob loudly. I buried my face in Nick's arm, as he wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"Hey.. sh, shh.. it's alright, love.. You're safe. I'm right here, baby.." He said, whispering softly into my ear, repeatedly kissing the top of my head.

I began shaking violently, trying to speak, but only crying harder. "I-" Hic.
"I-I'm- so-" Cough. "I'm s-so sorr-" Sniffle. "Sorry.."  Finally.

"Baby.. you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for.. Please don't apologize." He said, hugging me tighter.

"Y-you're not mad..?" I said, looking up to meet his gaze for the first time in a while.

"What? Why would I be mad? Baby, I'd never get mad at you for something like this! I'm just worried about you, that's all. I love you so much. I can't imagine what I would do if something happened to you!" He said, looking at me as if I was insane for daring to ask such a question.

I hugged him tightly, burying my face in the crook of his neck.

"I love you so much, Sap.." I said, sniffling.

"I love you too, Y/N.. Now let's go get you something to eat." He said, standing up, and taking my hand.

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