The Bay Incident (Now or Never)

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It was around three moons since Rainkit was born, and she was ready to see the world. Rhineshine put her on his back, and he and Riverside started to travel to the bay. It was where Rhineshine and River met when they were kits, and it would be Rainkit's first memory of a family trip. Wingkit had also came along, due to her being a handful for anyone to take care of.

Rainkit was running through the sand, running from the blue waves that swept at the bay. "The water's cold!" She yelped, hugging onto her father's tail. Rhineshine chuckled, though she wasn't wrong, it was almost freezing, which was odd. Wingkit showed resistance towards it, though she was very happy when Rhineshine nudged her out of the water. 

Riverside was watching them, sweetly smiling and happily laughing at the family. Her family. Though, something was a bit off. There was an odd smell in the air. And bushes were shaking off to her right. Being the protective sweet cat she was, she decided to investigate. If it was prey, they would not only be lucky to not get hurt, but they would also have their bellies full. If it was a foe... Then she just hoped that Rhineshine knew how to fight. An orange tabby popped back out at her, grinning and growling. Riverside let out a panicked 'Eep!', and started to run back towards the others. "An attack!" She yelped. Wingkit thought she was kidding. Rhineshine looked at her with a face of concern. Rainkit looked on in confusion.

Wingkit should've believed her. She got picked up by a blue she-cat with green eyes. The cat had a smirk on her face. "Put her down." Rhineshine warned, his claws unsheathed and his shoulders tense. "My my, there he is. The prey-stealer. Feeling proud of your work, aren't you?" The cat's smirk only grew, as she and the orange tabby from before circled the family with menacing looks on their faces. "Rhineshine, what are they talking about?" Riverside looked at her mate, perplexity clouding her blue eyes. "It was a mistake that I wasn't aware of. A mistake that my mentor made. It's not my fault." Rhineshine's ears were pinned down onto his head. "Yeah, sure. No mentor would be that forgetful." The tabby grinned. "Just like how Redclaw never forgets a face." "Redclaw, I've told you time and time again, it wasn't my fault."

Wingkit was struggling in her captors jaws. She learned from the tabby's speak that she was Bluesky. And that the tabby was Redclaw. "Let go of me, you crazy mousebird!" She squeaked. Not because she probably would've been killed, but because she wanted to protect Rainkit. It was her job, her duty. Which was why it was her job to escape the grip of Bluesky.

Rainkit was confused. Extremely confused. What was going on? Why were these cats fighting? Why did one of the strangers pick up her sister? It was all so confusing.

Rhineshine leaped at Redclaw, and River picked up Rainkit. Rhineshine saw Riverside try to drown Bluesky, and Bluesky only gripped Wingkit tighter in her claws. Rhineshine would help, but he was busy with Redclaw. "I'll make sure you get your kits. In StarClan!" Redclaw was pinned down by Rhineshine, but he clawed the gray belly above him and got Rhineshine groaning in pain. Now was his chance. Redclaw jumped onto and gave him the fatal wound. Choking sounds could be heard as Rhineshine took his final curtain call. Redclaw grinned.

River ran with Rainkit to camp, as fast as the fluffy spotted cat could go. After they got to camp, Rainkit looked up at her mother in confusion. "Mama? What was that red stuff? And why couldn't daddy move? And what happened to that tabby with red on his claws?" River not only felt panicked, but now she was even more so when Rainkit mentioned Rhineshine not moving. "Stay here, Rainkit. I'll be back." River patted her kit on the head, and ran back to the scene. Only to find that Rhineshine was laying still with blood running down his neck and stomach. "Rhineshine... No..." River whispered, tears falling down her fluffy cheeks. "Wake up, Rhineshine... Tell me we've won... Please..." Rhineshine's body was cold, which meant that he's left for StarClan. River stood, and ran. Not towards the camp, but towards an unknown location. 

(Wow, my fingers are alive here. 715 words! Looks like 'The Diamond Slide' really helped out! :D)

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