Chapter 3: unwanted daughter

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"Rihanna!! Rihanna wake up!. I'm hungry."

Simon, a judge from America's got talent contest said to me.

"Hit the gold buzzer" I muttered back with a nod.

"What gold buzzer?. I said I'm hungry you said to hit the gold buzzer. Wake you joor."

"Ah!" I hollered sharply almost leaping out of my own skin, my spirit jerked rapidly back into the real word at the sudden pull of one of my black braids.

I jolted sharply awake trying to make out where I was, "I said I'm hungry!" Omar's voice made the last few bars in my brain boost fully.

There was no stage! I hadn't wowed the judges of America's got talent! Simon wasn't about to hit the buzzer for me! I didn't sing! I was still in my room, in my house! I was still in my county! Gosh! The dream had felt so real!. Gosh I was so close to winning.

I slowly moved myself to seat properly on my bed and take off the duvet that was staring to feel hot. Omar woke me up from such a wonderful dream!. God why!. Why was Omar sent down to destroy me?. Whyyyyy?.

As if the big headed Omar read my mind, he said, "Were you dreaming?. Oh your crush was toasting you abi?. Eeyah sorry. See me I'm hungry. You can cook first and then come back to sleep ma."

"Ahh Omar!" I said with disgust rubbing my eyelids in a circular way. This idiot as given me headache.

I ya Iyabo only works during the weekdays, she goes home every Friday afternoon and comes back every Monday morning. We have to do things ourselves during the weekend.

"What shall we eat?."

I badly wanted to yell, go and ask your mother but I couldn't say it. Omar had no mother, neither did I too.

"Omar get out of my room. Shebi I've told you to never come into my room without knocking."

"I knocked, you just didn't hear me. I swear I knocked. Allah!."

Normally, I would get mad at him, yell and curse and send him. But it would result to nothing, I wouldn't be sleepy anymore and I'd be forced to get up anyways. But, I've outgrown that now.

"Why can't you just go and eat bread?" I asked him.

"I have. I'm still hungry. What's bread to my stomach?. A growing boy needs something heavy and healthy to eat. Do you want me to grow up looking like Mr Blessing?."

"Ode!. Let him catch you" Mr Blessing, a very lean teacher at our school but also very wicked and harsh. So thankful he won't be taking me any classes when we resume to SS 3.

"Has Mr Bolade and his new family gone out?" I rolled off the bed to find something to wear in my wardrobe.

"I'm not sure, but I think so" he sat on my bed and grabbed my phone. Whenever dad was home during the weekend which was almost never, he ate out unless Iya Iyabo was around to cook for him. Omar and I also know to keep out of his way, we hang around in our rooms till he finally leaves.

About last night, it went better than I thought. I can't help but blush as I sort out a large pink Lakers sweater that reached my mid thigh, and a matching short. I dressed inside my wardrobe, not to the open eyes of Omar, and he wouldn't dare stare, he's an idiot, not a pervert.

After the singing game. I felt so happy and confident again. I was back full REE REE and ready to have fun. But we couldn't play any of the rest of the games because they involved alcohol.

They played Quarter, flip cup, dart, table football Medusa, never have I ever-it was so fun to watch, except the part where a lady puked after chugging too much alcohol during 'never have I ever' Gosh who knew I'd eventually have fun, I couldn't stop blushing for the rest of the night. And Levi didn't stop stealing glances at me, it was weird.

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