f o u r

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An imaginary box filled with lies and deceit

Inside all you have is walls

Blank walls

Almost as white as the cobwebs in the corner

And darkness

But the box tricks you

It tells you you're happy

Paints a picture of flowers and butterflies

While it whispers

That leaving is the worst thing you could do

But is it?

Is leaving this box really all that bad?

Outside of the box is where the magic happens

Outside is where the sun is

Outside is where you'll truly be happy

Where you can learn and grow

So one day

You might leave the box

And by leaving

You can see the truth

You can feel the sun

You can almost picture salvation now

But in the end,

You're left with a question

Are you willing to leave the box?

*If you like my poems, head on over to my Instagram @illmeetyouatmidnight_ where I post content daily

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