Chapter 16

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The next morning...

Nikki wakes up, feeling something soft next to him. He sees Aleksandra laying on his chest and instantly a soft smile appears on his face. He remembers their first night. Their first passionate and unforgettable night.

They are still naked. Only a thin blanket covers them.

Now the light is poured inside and her face can be seen better. Face covered in a few strands of jet black hair that Nikki gently puts aside. Which makes her move her eyelids and eventually she opens her eyes.

"Good morning, my sunbeam," Nikki says.

The brunette raises her head slightly confused, but smiles when she meets Nikki's warm gaze.

"Morning, my dear," she smiles at him.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Given that you didn't let me sleep much last night," she grins alluringly, "I still can say that I slept well."

"You know very well that I couldn't help but touch you, babe," he tenses her, kissing her sensually on the neck, the brunette feeling shivers down her spine.

As much as she likes the sensation he provokes, the brunette jumps, Nikki is astonished with her gesture.

"What's wrong?" He asks her confused.

"Last night," her cheeks are red now, it's a little hard for her to speak, "we forgot... we forgot to use protection."

Nikki is amused, seeing her face flushed and breathing a little harder than usual. All this makes him feel even more aroused than usual.

"It's all right," he reassures her, placing his hands on her bare shoulders. "You can't get pregnant."

"I can't?" The brunette nods confused.

"A few years ago I had a vasectomy. So... You can't get pregnant, babe."

"Oh," Aleksandra looks amazed, not knowing this about him.

Nikki moves his hand under her chin, approaching her, their eyes fixed on each other and whispers:

"But you could make me change my mind and have a reverse vasectomy. I would love to have a baby with you."

"I would like it too," she smiles, her eyes glued to his. "But I don't think this is the right time."

"Maybe you're right," his hand goes up to her cheek and stops at the corner of her lips which he offers light caresses. "Until then, we can have our naughty moments."

And he threw himself at her, his lips over hers, starting another lovemaking that morning.
After they finish, they both lay in each other's arms, sweating and with a high body temperature from the recent hot moment.

They both look out the window, there are buildings and the sunlight is getting stronger.

Nikki strokes her silky, long hair and says:

"I wouldn't want to get out of bed today. I just want to be with you."

"I would like the same," she smiles at him and turns to him kissing his lips tenderly. "Time passes too fast and I want to be with you more and more."

There is a smile on his face, but it becomes a little sad, at the thought that soon he and Aleksandra must go home.

With his hand still in her hair, and looking at her, he asks her:

"How long can you stay away?"

"I have to go back to Moscow in five days," she says sadly.

"I also have to go back to Los Angeles in a few days," Nikki sighs.

Nikki sees her eyes getting wet and pulls her to his chest, kissing her temple and saying:

"Don't be sad, babe. We can stay here for a few more days. Only the two of us. I promise we'll see you soon." "Okay," she says simply, lifting her chin and looking at him. "I love you."

"I love you too, honey," he smiles and kisses her lips hungrily.

Nikki and Aleksandra spend five days in Prague, visiting various places.

Places they wanted to visit some time ago. Now they had the opportunity again and did not miss it.

They took many photos to have countless memories.

We're both at the airport today. They say goodbye, hugging and kissing as if they will never see each other again.

"I have to go," Aleksandra says unhappily.

"Okay, babe. Take care," he strokes her face.

"You too, my dear," she smiles at him, feeling that she will burst into tears.

"Alex..." He still wants to tell her something, but it seems hard.

"What is it?" She asks him full of curiosity.

"Will you tell your parents about me? About us?" These questions come out of his mouth, but with difficulty.

The brunette smiles instantly and answers:

"They will find out soon."

"Do you think they will agree with our relationship?"

"I don't know," she nods, but she's very calm. "I honestly don't care if they don't agree. I'm an adult now and I can make my own decisions. The only thing I want now is to be with you."

Nikki gives her an affectionate look, his hand on her cheek and says:

"I'll do my best to see you soon. Maybe... I can come to you next time."

"In Moscow?" She smiles.


"That would be great! I'll wait for you, babe!"

"I love you, Alex," he says.

"I love you too, Nikki."

The two kiss once more, this time the kiss is longer and more lustful and they break up, each going to their flight.

It's not easy at all. Aleksandra wonders if this will always be the same.

Will she have to enjoy Nikki's presence rarely? She wouldn't want that from their relationship.

She wants to feel so close to him. She will wait and see what will happen.

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