Chapter 12

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Naruto told Madara everything that happened during the month with Kakashi, he was brutally honest and Madara took it in stride as he appreciated Naruto's honesty. It happened during a time when they were dating so it shouldn't be any of his business but he loved Naruto's blunt persona. Now that they were in the courtship stage Naruto began planning their wedding as soon as his heat went away. He was already well acquainted with Uchiha customs so it was easy to incorporate Uzumaki customs. It was safe to say that their relationship had reached common ground. 

Naruto was the one to break the news to Tobirama. "I have no doubt we could've had something beautiful Tobirama but my heart lies with Madara." 

"I understand but if he hurts you, I will always be here to hold you," The Senju promised. Naruto nodded and soon after he heard that Tobirama had left to go build connections in the North, he won't be there for the wedding. There was also another person he had to tell the news and he did so in a letter, sending it off with his fox summons. 

Kakashi was a wild alpha, he was a man who wore his emotions on his sleeves in private. He wished him and his clan happiness and hoped they had continued prosperity. He knew the silver-haired man wouldn't raid the wedding because he was keen on making Naruto happy. He hoped Kakashi found happiness in someone else as well. 

Next on the agenda was to inform his mother and aunt and formally dis-lodge himself from the Uzumaki clan as he was now going to be an Uchiha. When he had sent the letter, he kindly informed them that they weren't allowed to be at the ceremony as Mito would be their stand-in. Speaking of Mito, she was one he had to put in place. Since the last incident where it was revealed she only brought him here so she could control him when he married Madara, she has been slient. Now sitting across from her he was pleased to note she was actually nervous. 

He sighed. "Listen I'm marrying Madara and I'm going to have to keep you in my sight for as long as he and Hashirama are best friends and partners in ruling the Hidden Leaf. But let me make this clear, as we speak a letter is heading home to inform my mother and auntie that I want nothing to do with the Uzumaki clan. I am going rogue and the reason I'm going rogue is so that when you step out of line I can smack you around without you running to mommy and auntie. Because they can't do shit." 

Mito's hand trembled so much that she crushed her cup. Naruto smirked as he leaned back and continued to sip his tea. "You've gotten bold Naruto." 

"No, I've always been bold, I'm just out of the shadows now," He shrugged and got up. "Hope you'll be in attendance, it would be frowned upon if the Hokage's wife isn't there for the wedding of his most trusted advisor and second leader of the Hidden Leaf. The Uchiha might take offense and you don't want a civil matter on your hands right?" 

He stepped out and straighten his posture before heading back to the Uchiha Compound. Madara was waiting for him inside as dinner was already on the table. He sat down adjacent to his fiance who was waiting for him to begin eating. "Did you enjoy your meeting with Mito?" 

"Enjoy is such a crass term to describe it. I have laid the groundwork and should she press the boundaries then I will be forced to take action. As the new Matriarch of the Uchiha Clan, I refuse to be slapped publicly or privately. I wish not to bring disgrace to my clan."  

The way in which Naruto spoke made Madara happy. He nodded and they proceeded to eat dinner for that night. In the upcoming weeks as the wedding date approached things got busier for both Madara and Naruto. Madara had to retrieve the Matriarch pieces of the Uchiha Clan alongside the elders which left Naruto to defend the Clan grounds. While it was a big task Naruto kept things in order with his gentle but stern orders when things seemed to be out of line. The Uchiha clan welcomed him as their Matriarch. He still studied his healing techniques and helped the elderly when they called.

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