America x M!child reader (sneak peak)

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Title - Where's your mother?

Walking out of a small house was a mother with a little boy who seemed about 3 years old. On the walk to were they were heading the mother said out of the blue,

"Y/n we are heading to the playground, when we get there I'll need to leave for a bit but I'll be back shortly, ok?"

"Ok mommy!" Y/n said while jumping around, holding their mothers hand. At the park, y/n hugged their mom and ran towards the playground equipment.

"I'm sorry to do this to you, but this is for the best." Whispered the mom before walking away quietly, "I promise he'll take care of you for me." Thought the mom as someone yelled out her name.

"KYRA!" Said some male voice and as Kyra looked up she saw the boys father, " Benjamin.." said Kyra

"WHERE'S MY SON?!" Yelled Benjamin while harshly grabbing Kyra's hand before she spoke, "Somewhere away from you."

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