king' s heart

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Last night was amazing Kim put me to sleep on the first time but I wish I sober I got the worst head of all time and I'M so sore I can't even feel my vigina she fucked me up I look down at my baby she look peaceful while she is sleeping like there no worries

Hey baby wake up

Yeah Erica its early can we just sleep a little longer

Babe it's 12 lol

Damn last night must have lasted a long time

Yup about 3 hours

Damn I never went that long

U did Lol but I hate you at this moment


Cause I can't move I'M completely sore girl I can't even feel my vigina

Well that was punishment Lol

For what

For not telling me you had feelings

Damn I didn't want to ruin our friendship

I know that and I know you like it rough

Your right but damn I can't move

I love you

I love you too

Let me run your bath water

Thank you

5 mins later

Your bath water is ready

Okay but I need some assistance

Okay I'M coming to get you

She carried me and unstripped me to get in the tomb then she joined and we just relaxed for a minute then got dressed

Hey honey can you please bring my phone it's on the night stand


* handing her the phone * thanks baby


Hey king wants to facetime since he's at lunch wanna join me

I'M good but tell him I say Hey and text my phone


* facetiming king *

Hey baby

Hey mommy

So watcha doing chubby

I'M good just trying to get a head start on homework

Okay smarty * smiling *

Mommy when r u gonna see us again
Baby I don't but as soon as possible

Please hurry I miss you

I miss you Too

Do you really mommy

Yes I do y u ask that * looking concern *
Because you barely see me and whenever you do u don't stay long

I'M sorry chubby but u won't get anything u want if mommy don't work

I know I just wish u were more and I know you love me

* tearing up * yes I do chubby I'M so sorry hey ur lunch break seems like it's ending facetime me later okay mommy loves you

Okay mommy I love you too

* facetime ended *

The most important person to feels like he's abundant which makes me sad

Hey baby what's wrong

King feels like I don't miss him

That's how he feels

Yup can we take time for him next week * crying *

Yeah let's check with albee

Its gonna be okay Erica * holding her *

Let's pray it does So what's on our agenda today

Really nothing but imma head to the office to get some work done speaking of work I need to head out


* giving Erica a passionate kiss *

It's gonna be okay I love you

I love you too kimmie

* kimmie leaves *


That's why I love that girl but I'M still worried about king and I knew who to call

Person - Hey erica how have my Girl been lately

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