More Secrets

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Dylan's now four months, he started crawling and he was very active. Touya spent more time with Dream and Dylan and so did you but you also focused a lot on work since lot's of things are coming up.

Rumi and Ren were over so it was great, Dream was playing with Ren and Touya was taking care of Dylan while you were in your office "how long has she been working" Rumi asked, Touya sighed "since last night" Runi got up and stomped over to your office. She busted in and glared at you "if you don't get the hell out of here! I've been here for an hour and haven't seen you at all" you looked up from your computer and stared at her till you saw her stomach "omg! Are you pregnant?" you said all cheerful, she nodded and sighed "If you came out of here then you would've known earlier" you groaned and shut your computer off

The two of you came out of your office seeing Dylan and Touya playing "what is up with you kids and spit, this is gross" Dylan laughed at his dad and clapped his hands together "well hello Y/n" Touya said as he watched you sit down "hello, where's Dream and Ren" Rumi pointed to the new playroom that was down the hall. Suddenly Dream and Ren both ran out of there and made their way to you three "mommy guess what" Dream said "what is it"

"Ren kissed me on the cheek!" Touya slowly turned his head at ren who gave him a big grin "he did?! How you feel" you asked "um good, can I hold Dylan now" you smiled and nodded Dream walked over to Touya "Dream we don't let little boy's kiss you, I don't care how old you are" you rolled your eyes and just watched Dreamn with Dylan


Rumi somehow convinced you to have Dream and Dylan to stay over, Touya only agreed if Ren didn't kiss Dream. Now you were getting dressed, you had on a strapless lace top with black pants and heels, also with a matching purse

Once you were done with your hair and makeup you went downstairs to see Touya waiting for you "you look nice" he said, you smiled and kissed hin on the cheek "thank you, where are we going" you asked "we're going out to eat and going to a art gall...

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Once you were done with your hair and makeup you went downstairs to see Touya waiting for you "you look nice" he said, you smiled and kissed hin on the cheek "thank you, where are we going" you asked "we're going out to eat and going to a art gallery" you both walked out the door to see his black lino he always goes into for work, you weren't really surprised but you didn't expect he would have his limo out tonight

When you got inside you saw shot glasses, wine glasses, etc and a bunch of alcohol "you get drunk before work?" you asked, Touya laughed abd shook his head "this isn't the limo I take fork, this is the one we had for our wedding" you slowly nodded and poured some tequila in two shot glasses "really." you nodded and handed him one of them then drunk yours and had a couple more "Y/n don't turn into a alcoholic" Touya said as he watch you drink "I'm not chill out"

You both eventually got to the restaurant and Touya took you to a private area "how come you got us a private table" you asked as you sat down "I just wanted our little date to be private" you gave him a snmile then looked at the menu "lamp ribs sounds delicious, what'd you think Touya" you said looking up "mmhm, let's get them" you smiledcand placed your menu down as Touya ordered it.

" there more things you're hiding from me" he looked up real confused "why you ask that-" he said while drinking her water "because I wanna know, we have two kids and I want us to be safe" yoh said giving him a small glare "um no.." you rolled your eyes at him "you're lying to me, I'm not an idiot"

"Did I say you were a idiot?? No, I'm not lying either" Touya said as he went to the door "here's your order sir" a server said giving him a wink as she left "um..thank you" you looked over at him and sighed "why do I even try, can you please stop tryna be a fuck boy and close the door" Touya cleared his throat and made his way back to the table "Touya I can't trust your words, I really wanna know what you had to do specifically when Dylan was born"

"Don't worry about it, it has nothing to do with you" you shot him a goare and stood up "nigga don't you understand I'm your wife and the mother of your children?!" You got your things and started to walk to the door, but Touya quickly grabbed you and pinned you to a wall "LET ME THE FUCK GO" you yelled "no, you need to mind your business" you scoffed

"Let go! Your putting too much pressure on my wrists" Touya ignored you and just stared, he then made you sit down in your chair "just let me go home! I don't want tobe around you Touya" you said "fuck no, I want to have a nice dinner with you but you're being difficult with me" he said "just tell me what you were doing, it's not hard Touya" he sighed

"Business deals is all you need to know" you srunched up your face "I don't believe that's all, just let me go home!" Touya sigjed again as he pinched the bridge of his nose "we had some drinks and things happened, but you act like I didn't see you after Dylan was born" he said "what things"

"None of your business" you scoffed and quickly left then called Rumi "pick me up, like hurry...i need to get away from this man" you hung up and left

"Y/n come back, it isn't serious" Touya said as he followed you "fuck off, don't speak to me unless you're gonna tell me all your secrets" you said, then felt yourself get pulled "let me the fuck go, I'm not about to fuck with you"

"Hey burnt biscuits I don't think that's how you treat your wife" you looked over at Rumi and sighed "if you want to know so bad call Keigo, I'm not aboutbto hurt you" you scoffed and pulled away "you already did, look at my wrists"

As you got in the car you sighed and looked down at your wrists "the fuck happened" you told Rumi everything that happened with you and Touya and that he wouldn't let you know what he's hiding "I could've told you you know, Keigo can't keep a secret...Thet man lied saying they got drinks first off, they were doing some illegal work that almost got them caught and after they were done they went to a club for a bit and Touya found himself in some woman's bed, he came back to the hospital the same day though after Dylan was born"

You sighed and looked out the window "I'm hearing divorce papers?


Lol I needed to post something

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