Gender Reveal?

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"Y/n I bet you're having a girl" Himiko said "what? Why you say that" you asked as you ate your sandwich "because you only had Dylan by a lucky chance, and your gender reveal's today"

You sighed as you continued to eat, seriously time is flying, it's October and Dylan is almost one. Boy growing up too fast wasn't he just born? After you finished your sandwich you went to the playroom "nooooo Dream! Give back" Dylan yelled "what's going on in here" both of them looked at you "she take toy!"  "It's mine!" You sighed and slowly sat down "how about we get ready for today, don't you want to know if you're having a sister or brother?" They nodded and followed you to their rooms

You first had gotten Dream ready then with some of her help Dylan "where's daddy" Dream asked "he's outside, come on" once thing about your children they love their father.

Once you got outside with them they ran to him and tackled him to the ground "goodness! Hey kids" he said as he got up with them in his arms "you look nice" he said as he kissed you "No!" You both looked at Dylan then Touya kissed you again "No!" You both laughed and sat down at one of the tables "hi there bumble bee, I can't wait to know what you are" Touya said, you felt them kick which made you laugh "Touya!" You both looked up seeing Natsuo and Fuyumi walking in the backyard "why are you two here" he groaned "three actually, Shoto's talking to Y/n's mom but can we not see our neice and nephew?" He sighed and turned his attention to Dylan "Unlce Shoto!" Dream yelled as she ran to him

"Hey kid, man you're two now" she smiled as he picked her up "I can't believe them, they come in our home and steal my kids" you sighed and patted his back "they just want to spend time with them, calm down" he sighed and watched as you went to get a cupcake.

When everyone got to the house you all played some game's, ate food, etc

"Keigo get your son!" Touya said looking over at Ren and Dream "which one?" Keigo asked as he looked at Rai his newborn son in his stroller "Ren, he keeps flirting with Dream" Keigo laughed "their two man, he's just playing with her" he said looking up "you don't get it, you don't have daughters" Touya said "whatever Touya" he sighed then smiled as Dylan ran to him "hungry" he hummed and picked him up "I'm not fully proud of how my life turned out Rumi, remember I had my first child at sixteen"

Touya listened to the conversation as he got Dylan something to eat, he didn't knew Jen dropped out of school. By the time she was twenty two she was a millionaire, once Touya was getting food for Dylan and had him sit down to eat he saw you walking towards him "ready to see the gender of our last baby" you asked, he chuckled and nodded then picked up dylan who surprisingly finished his food "you eat so damn fast it doesn't make any sense"

You smiled and got Dream, she was irritated you interrupted her playing but you really didn't care. When you two got to Touya he had two paintball guns and a canvas since he wanted to get messy. He gave me one and smiled "ready?" you nodded and aimed "go mommy go!" You both shot at the canvas and the paint was pink "another girl? This is too much" Touya mumbled, you weren't too surprised that it was a girl but something came over you to start crying

"Mama Sad?" Dylan asked as he looked up at you. Both you and Touya laughed and he picked both kids up "no I'm happy, very happy" Dyaln smiled and kissed your forehead and reached down to your stomach "daddy put us down!" Dream yelled, Touya sighed and put them down and they ran to you "can she hear us" Dream asked, you nodded and and just talked to your stomach till they got distracted and went to play


You usually went to sleep instantly while pregnant but tonight something was off, it was three in the morning and it was silent like always but you felt like something was going on

"Touya wake up" he grumbled and sat up "what is it" he mumbled as he reached for your arm, he noticed how tense you were and fully woke up "go check on Dream" he nodded and got ip from bed then went to her room

Once he opened the door he saw her in someone's arm's, before he knew it he lost his cool and half of his body was on fire "who the hell are you and why are your hands on my daughter" said lowly as he slowly walked closer, the figure quickly turned around to face Touya.

Touya turned the light on to see your father, the rage in him grew "what the hell are you doing here? I thought Y/n said to stay away from us and our children" your father sighed and laid Dream down then walked very close to Touya "listen I don't give a damn what Y/n says, I'm going to see my grandkids even if it kills me"

As he spoke he felt a sharp pain his arm seeing it was a pin, they both looked over seeing you glaring at your biological father

"Either you die now or you get hurry up to save your life" you said as you made another pin from your arm "Y/n you would kill your own father?" He asked

You nodded "don't give yourself that title, you left my mom you sick ass bastard" before you could walk any closer to him Touya held you back

He didn't let you say anything and pointed over to Dream who was asleep, you forgot that she was there, you forgot both of your kids were home. You scoffed and dropped your weapon sized pin then touched your stomach from the kick your baby gave you "James get the fuck out of my house" he sighed the vanished

"He has a teleportation quirk?" You nodded "luckily I have my mother's, I hope the kids don't inherit that" Touya sighed and hugged you and wiped the tears that fell from your eyes

"it's okay Y/n, get some rest"


"Well Y/n you seem to be healthy along with the baby, I'm assuming she'll be here around November tenth" you hummed in response to Dr Gray as she wioed the gel off your stomach, you've been out of it all day and your mother noticed

Once Dr Gray left you mother cupped your face wth a worried expression on her face "what's wrong N/n" she asked, you shook your head implying nothing was wrong but she didn't believe you "Y/n don't lie to your mother, tell me what's up" you sighed then looked away from her

"My biological father came in my house at like three in the morning and he was holding Dream, he told Touya he doesn't care what I have to say and that he'll see his grandkids even if it kills him"

Your mother started to show a scowl on her face she quickly stopped and hugged you from seeing a tear fall "him and that damn teleportation quirk, don't worry Y/n everything's gonna be okay, these past two years has been rough on you I'm sorry"

After leaving the doctors office your mother had drove to the kid's daycare to pick up the kids, along with Ren. They got in the car all happy and excited tapping on your stomach

"Hi mommy and baby" Dylan said as he kissed you stomach, ge started to smile and laugh when the baby started to kick "mommy I'm hungry" Dream said, you looked over st her and smiled "you're always hungry Dreamy, but we're going somewhere trust me"

When your mother came back Dream told her the same thing which made you give her a look, but eventually you five had went to a restaurant.

All was good till you spotted a black and blue circle shape outside and who would've guess, your father appearing. You sighed and looked over at the kids who were peacefully eating and playing, when your mother saw him she had a scowlbon her face and went outside, you didn't know what she said to him but whatever she did say made him leave immediately and you were glad, you were too damn pregnant to deal with him.

Like any child or human

You were very grateful to have your mother with you, abd she's grateful that she has you as well....

I'm sorry it's short but this has been in my drafts for over like two months 💀 sorry for any spelling errors, I don't feel like reading this

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