First symtoms

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Tadashi's P.O.V
Me and Mr.Ainosuke-sama had started dating shortly after the match with snow

Its also been about 2 weeks since I had....well did the naughty with Mr.Ainosuke-sama

Ever since then I've had a strange feeling in my tummy and that I've had some strange cravings lately for example I really wanted to have some marshmallows, which is strange since I'm not that big a fan of sweets. Some food has also smelled really strong to me like broccoli, meat,fish even chicken.not to mention I've started throwing up every morning along with more in the afternoon or night.lastly I've noticed I've gained 2.7 pounds it's not a big deal since it's still a healthy weight but it feels strange

I decided to ask Mr.Ainosuke-sama's friends at S tonight since I didn't want to miss work for a doctors appointment and miss out on work and possibly worry Mr.Ainosuke-sama

"Hello Mr.Ainosuke-sama" I bowed as he stepped into the car already in his costume "Aw come on now puppy~,we've talked about this,I want us to be like how we used to be and more baby pup~" as Mr.Ain-uh- as Adam said that I felt my cheeks flush as I closed the door and went to the drivers seat "sorry,I'm still getting used to it..." I said "there's no need to apologize for baby,I know it's gonna take some time to get used to" he said as he came from behind me and kissed my cheek "right thank you..babe" OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH I CANOT BELIEVE I JUST SAID THAT!!!!

"There you go baby" he said again and leaned back. Huh I guessed he liked it I smiled softly as we head to S

Time skip

I quickly changed my outfit in the car with a peeping Tom outside watching the entire time as I got out I had a small boost of confidence and said "Someone can't keep their eyes off the prize can they?" I said smirking. He gave me an even more flirtatious smirk and played along "My,my Tadashi,your boss would flip if he saw this side of you" he leaned in "your not gonna tell my boss,are you?" We continued to play "ah~ when did you get so cheeky?,hm~" I giggled

But then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach it was for a second but it hurt just when he was about to say something with what I was guessing was a concern face by his frown and eyebrows we heard a voice yell out "GROWS GET A ROOM ITS BAD ENOUGH WITH THESE TWO COUPLES!!!" Miya shouted "oh please don't pretend you don't gush whenever that Takashi dude sees you or texts you" the red head-uh R-Reki?,ya! Reki said "SHUT IT YOU SLIME!!" Miya yelled back

"Ah these kids are gonna be the death of me"Kaoru,well Cherry said as he put a hand over his eyes, I decided that he would be the best person to ask since he seemed like the smartest "Common guys let's Go!!!!" Reki yelled out got admitted I love his energy

At the VIP place (I forgot what it's called)
Adam and Joe where doing tricks on the ramp and I thought that this would be the best time to ask k-Cherry It's still hard to remember the names since I've spent almost all my life being formal that I have a hard time referring people to their code,real, nickname but either way I walked up to him

" Cherry?" He turned my way "yes Ta-I mean snake" he said we looked at each other and laughed we had the same problem the only reason he had this was because it's been awhile since we've seen each other "I was wondering if I could talk to you in private please.." he saw the seriousness behind my voice and took me by the hand "ofc common" he said as we sneaked away from the others

Once we where behind some rocks we looked at me and took off my hat so he could see me clearly.

"What's wrong?" He asked "w-well I don't know, I-I don't know if I'm sick o-or if I'm being dramatic o-or-" "woah,woah,woah" he took me by the hands and looked at me "calm down, and I'm sure your not being dramatic if anything I'm concerned that your not dramatic" he said with a smile at this we both laughed

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