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Tadashi's P.O.V
His expressions was the same as mine it said...


I suddenly felt the same urge to throw up again I quickly ran to the stall and locked it so Kaoru couldn't see me

I wasn't sick at the thought of the Baby, no,I was sick because of the usual nausea that I felt around this time at night

As I got out I immediately fell to the floor I didn't care that it was dirty I couldn't stand

Kaoru knelt down besides me and wrapped me in a tight hug all I could do was sob,I want to have this child I really do but what would Mr.Ainosuke's say,Did he even want the child?!

After what seemed about 5 minutes we pulled away and calmed down

"It could be wrong,you might just be sick with the stomach-flu or something I heard that it could happen,and we can always go to doctor 2 days from now to check" he said just then I relished he's right I could just be sick "Y-ya your right" I replied "common,let's get you clean up,we don't want Adam to worry to much" he said, we both laughed at the idea on what he might do

I washed out my mouth to get rid of the  disgusting taste in my mouth,and wiped my eyes, they weren't as red they should be gone by the time we get back. As I turn around I saw Kaoru worry about something "Hey you ok?" I asked as I walked up to him "Y-ya it's just that.." he trailed off "it's just that what?"

"Would you be mad if I got Kojiro in on this?" He asked with a face that seemed unsure "well.." I rubbed my neck "If you think that it's a good idea then,I'm willing to get him in on this besides it could just be the stomach flu,bug or something right?" I put my hand in his shoulder and looked at him " Ya your right" he said "common I can practically feel Adam trying to call the police right now" he giggled as he grab one of the bags and I grab the other

We joked and laughed the entire time,I'm glad I told him,He's one of the best 'self proclaimed brother' ever

As we walked in we saw Langa,Reki,Hiromi,and kojiro holding Mr.Ainosuke down on one side of the room wile Miya was on the other side of the room holding Mr.Ainosuke's phone "oh great what did you children and adult babies do?!" Kaoru scolded "PUPPY!!"

As Mr.Ainosuke said that he flung off the others but struggled to get Kojiro off when he was about to come near me Kaoru stepped in front of me

Kaoru's P.O.V

As soon as I stepped in-front of Tadashi,Adam came to a stop "Cherry move out of the way please" he said in a stern voice "Bitch you think you can scare me?" I asked which caused everyone to laugh also Tadashi tried to his to be respectful to his "master"

"But anyways tell me why the actual fuck where 2 adult man,and 2 teenagers where holding you down while a literal child is holding your phone from the other side of the room?" I asked wile pulling both tadashi and Adam towards the counter gently letting tadashi sit wile I just let Adam sit on the floor "the rest of you sit on the floor,Now!" Once the words left my mouth they all just sat down quickly wile I sat besides Tadashi

"Why are you both scared of him?" Miya asked Kojiro and Hiromi "he's one of the top skaters I ain't messing with him" was Hiromi's Excuse,mean wile Kojiro's Excuse was "I didn't want to make princess angry" he said as if he was talking to a child I glared at him wile tadashi was holding out a pan for me,I'm guessing he got it from the counter,but that's besides the point I gladly excepted it

"Want to take that back sweetie?" I said hitting the pan softly against my palm "I don't think I do sugar" he teased back "YOU DOPPY GORILA!!" "WHAT GOT YOUR SKIN BOILING PRINCESS?"

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