chapter twenty-four

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"When are you coming over tomorrow?" Sutherland's voice crackles through the speakers as I idle at a signal

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"When are you coming over tomorrow?" Sutherland's voice crackles through the speakers as I idle at a signal.

With one arm hung over the steering wheel, I glance at Sophie, sitting in the passenger seat and playing a game on her phone. Her pink bag sits between her gangly legs on the floor of my car, her lips puckered in concentration.

Picking her up from swim class, I was pleasantly surprised to see that she seemed to still enjoy the class more than she ever thought. Though I had won the bet weeks ago—I thoroughly enjoyed two blissful weeks without worrying about that stupid swear jar—I thought she would have hated swimming as each class advanced further.

"Maverick," Sutherland calls my attention again as Sophie glances up and over at me. Her brown eyes widen slightly when she meets my gaze and then slaps my arm, pointing forward.

I shake my head, flashing her a smile before lifting my foot off the brake and coasting through the signal.

"I'll be there for nine," I mumble, running a hand over my stubble. I'm due for a shave, but I've been putting it off for reasons that shouldn't impact my decisions regarding facial hair.

Creamy skin reddened by the scratch of my rough bristles comes to the forefront of my mind, and I have to shake my head again. Not the image I want in my head with my little sister in the car.

"You're in charge of drinks, asshole. You have to be there earlier."

With a sharp turn of her head, Sophie holds out her palm with a smug grin on her lips. She hated those two weeks without her source of income, and now she's making up for it by making me pay for everyone who swears in her vicinity.

This habit of collecting money for the swear jar started about two years ago when she realized that I shouldn't be cursing a lot around her. I'm guessing it was Dad's idea for her to do it. I wouldn't be surprised if she has enough to pay for her first-semester tuition now.

I flip open my wallet from the center console with a groan and take out a 20 bill. You would think with such an expensive toll for each curse word, I would control my mouth around her. And yet, the highest I've spent swearing was $200 for an evening.

I may have been upset over what happened with Nick earlier that day, and Sophie was over while I was venting to Blake.

"Mate, watch yourself. You're on speaker, and Soph's in the car."

I can picture Sutherland wincing as he scratches the back of his head, "My bad, Sophie girl. How was swim class?"

"Good, we're learning to tread water now," she toys with her fingers, wringing them anxiously. Her shoulders hunch forward as her tawny cheeks turn a subtle shade of red.

"That's great. Should I be buying Team USA merch now for when you join the Olympics in a few years?"

She wrinkles her nose, amusement tugging at her lips, "I don't think I'm that good. I can barely keep my head up."

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