Chapter Two: Surprise Fail

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I fix the red bow atop my head and pat down my white vans from the shelf. I smile as I look at them and remember Helga telling me that there is no point for me to get white shoes because they'll become dirty. Well, they're just as, if not more clean than when I first got them if that is possible. Moving over to my bed to tie my laces, I can't help but laugh. Today, I turn fifteen and I need to look as put together as possible for all the agents. I need to look perfect within all those adults.

A sigh leaves my mouth as I lie on my double sized bed bored, patiently waiting for James to call me down to the staff room for my 'surprise birthday party.' Each year the agents try to surprise me with something and it never works. I just always manage to make my voice really high pitched and act like it totally catches me off guard. They haven't seemed to get the hint yet. Some spies they are.

I suppose I could go to the facility and just sit around in one of the board rooms but my bed is much more comfortable. I decide to count the little white specks on my ceiling to help make the time pass quicker. There are 1673, give or take a few. Turning over to my side, I look at the clock which flashes '2:35'. James was supposed to call me down exactly five minutes ago. Hurry up please. I want my cake. To help make the time pass even quicker, I pull up my computer and watch YouTube videos. After five videos, my eyes become heavy and I suddenly feel them closing.


"Snow," I hear abruptly. My eardrums practically bursting. I rub my eyes and listen to the voice in my ear chip. "Sorry it's taken so long. Come on down know though."

I glance over to my clock and see that it's '3:32'. I let out a laugh as I sit up. "Oh really James, this is a new record. This is happening literally an hour late."

I know how annoyed he must feel. Not because of me, but because of the other agents and how stubborn they are to make an effort to co-operate. Him and Maddy are probably the ones that did all the work today. It always is. "I know, just come already."

"Same place as last year?" I ask him. I get up and make my way to the white door of my room.

"It's always been in the same place," he tell me like I'm crazy. "Of course it's in the same place. Honestly, sometimes you really are clueless. Not often, because usually you're like a modern day Einstein but you have your moments here and there."

"Relax James," I tell him, laughing as I make my way down the long white walled hallways with the very high ceilings. I leave my home and walk a couple minutes until I get into the facility with my ID scanner. I pass the very famous and expensive painting hung up on the walls that are at least three hundred years old. "Just making sure. Anyway, I'm right outside the door."

I stop once I get to two large doors. One blue and the other white. I grab the hold of the two gold door knobs and jiggle them to signal I'm here. For agents, they really are terrible at keeping surprises. I can hear whispers from the other side, ordering people to hide and to scream loudly when I get in.

Finally, I open the door and walk in. To no surprise, my closest spy friends that consists of adults jumping out from their hiding spot and yell, 'surprise.'

My jaw drops and I bring my hands up to cover my mouth in disbelief. "Oh my gosh," I say with a tone bit higher than my usual voice. "I can't believe you've all managed to surprise me another year. Thank you all so much for coming to support me and show me how much you all really care about me."

An uproar of applause goes around and I drop my hands back to my sides and laugh. I nod towards the crowd giving them the symbol for them to disband and go back into their own conversations. The sooner we get the party going means the sooner I'll get some cake.

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