11. 1 year together

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A/n I am back...tell a friend x

"Harry take this blindfold off me!" I giggle as his warm touch on my back guides me to an unknown destination. It is our 1 year anniversary and I honestly have no idea what this cheeky fella has instore for me. His free hand connects with my own helping me further.

Harrys touch has always completely ignited my senses. I knew since the moment we met we were destined to be together. He just makes me feel alive and beautiful. Harry has never let me down. His touch alone makes my stomach turn and feel like I am a school girl.

"Right this way, baby." Harry whispers into my ear. I bite my lip stiffling my giggles. My vison is finally restored and my breath has been taken from me. A beautiful pond the moon reflectinh from it. Infront of it a blanket with a picnic basket on top it. There are a few lights scattered around providing light.

"Harry... oh my god." He never stops amazing. He always makes mu heart leap and everything I thought I knew about life completely changed when he walked into it. Harry wraps his arms around me gently pressing his lips to mine.

"I love you, y/n" Harry whispers against my lips. His green eyes sparkle under the moon light. I adore the way Harry looks at me. He looks at me as if I am the only girl on the planet. His warm arms around me and his lips on my own make my whole body ignite. Harry has always provide such passion in our relationship. He makes everyday so unforgetful.

"I love you so so much." My arms tightly wrapped around his neck as I say the words I have only said to one man, him. Harry smiles revealing his dimples. He slowly intertwines his hand with mine leading me toward the blanket.

"Okay so this is not the finest meal, but I promise we can go out for dinner tomorrow or something." Harry chuckles pulling out sandwiches from mcdonalds. I giggle shaking my head.

"You are so classy." My laugh is louder as he continues pulling out food from the basket.

"What can I say I know the way to my womens heart." He gives me a cheeky grin before we start eating. I sneak glances up at him. I know I should be used to his beauty by now but I am not no where near used to it. Everytime I see him, hear him talk, and just be around him I fall so much more inlove with him. He has no idea the effect he had on me. harry has this thing about it him that is just amazing. He cares about everyone. He respects everyone even if they don't desure it. I admire that so much about him. He could be in the shittest mood, but if my spirits need lifted he is the first one to do so. His love for me and everyone around him makes my heart flutter.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry ask breaking my thoughts. I blink a few times collects myself.

"Just you and how amazing you are." I mumble taking another bite.

"I think you are pretty amazing too" Harry smiles and blushes. He is so adorable.

After we dinish eating Harry suggest swimming in the pond.

"I don't have a swimsuit." I am hesitate to go into the pond. What if something bites me?

"I am swimming in my draws." Harry stands up undressing. I bite my lip trying to (no) control myself. He removes his shirt making me ache. Fuck I'm so glad he is mine. I grin stand up and remove my clothes. Harry picks me up throwing me over his shoulder running toward the pond. The water is actually quite warm.

The night involves splashing, laughing, and sex beside the pond.

A/n hi(: I am here and im still alive. I really need more ideas for imagines so please comment! Also check out my other book thankssss!

Harry Styles Imagines (some smut)Where stories live. Discover now