Chapter 1

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Kyriè POV

I get up from my seat turning in my last pocket change into the church. I gotta receive some type of blessing from this. I watched my dad go on and on about loyalty and respect. I was honestly tuning him out. I get a text from my bsf.

C: We're outside the church, come on out. We're otw to go get Scar's friend that got locked up 3 years ago. I just need you to ride so it's not awkward
K: omw out

I get up walking out going to a jet black van. I get inside seeing Scar brush out Ciara's hair styling it. They had one of the other members of the LS driving. They really are the biggest gang in the city. They have houses everywhere and own so much. It's crazy cause Scar runs this whole thing. We drove for 2 hours but stopped cause Ciara had to pee. After she finished we all parked in front of the jail house waiting for the friend.

10 mins later....

The door opened revealing...someone I haven't seen in a minute. Someone I lost connection with. I opened my mouth to speak but froze and stayed quiet. Why would he join a gang like this? Why'd he go to jail for so long? So many thoughts was running through my head...

8 years ago

Young Axel: guess what?
Young Kyrie: what?

They both shared a laugh being interrupted by Kyriè's mother.

KM: Axel back your bags honey. You're being adopted.


Young Axel: Yeah this is my wife. I will never leave her side

Kyrie's POV

I hid my face in my phone avoiding eye contact. Maybe he doesn't even remember me. I looked down at my feet avoiding looking up.

"KYRIÈ?!" Yelled Ciara

As soon as she mentions my name I could feel him staring at me. I didn't know what to do. I felt put on the spot. One reason is I don't think he knows me anymore. Second I don't think he even thinks about me anymore. Third I don't like attention.

"STOP IGNORING ME!" Ciara cried out making me snap out my thoughts

I gave her my attention.

"This is Axel, Axel this is Kyriè" she introduced us making the awkwardness more awkward

I looked up at him. All I could see was memories we had together.


Young A: it's okay, we're forever gonna be married no matter how far apart we are

He kisses Kyrie holding their handmade marriage certificate.

Young A: remember me. I'll see you soon down the road. I love you my forever wife.

Young K: what if you meet someone else?

Young A: doesn't matter. I know this might sound awful but I'm a boy and yk puberty. I'm sorry our love had to end this way. You'll forever be my wife.

He walked away with his new parents and moved away.

Kyrie POV
I put my head down. I could feel him staring at me. I turned my attention to Ciara.

"so still need me to help for the welcome back party?" I asked her

"no we can just get the LS to do it for us, we can go get our nails done instead" she replied

"Alpha?" Axel asked Scar

"wassup?" Scar replied

"Where the bitches at bruh? I need to get my dick sat on and rode. Ain't have pussy in a minute. And I need to go to the strip club and feel on some ass. It's been so long" he said as the car stopped

The door opened and the known hoe walked in. God please forgive me but I do not like this bitch.

"OMG AXEL LONG TIME NO SEE" she ran to him and planted kisses on his cheek and chin rubbing on him

He bit his lip at her making my stomach turn. Who knows how many dicks she sucked before getting in here. I heard the LS ran a train on her. I huffed jumping back inside my phone.

"I call this seat beside Axel" Curi said

"NO YOU DONT! bitches sit on the floor" Ciara said making me laugh

She scooted me and Axel closer. He hand brushed mine making me blush. Surprisingly he still looked the same just extremely tall and muscular. He always wanted abs and muscles whenever we were kids.


Young A: Whenever I get older imma have muscles and a 6 pack

Young K: whenever I get older I want the biggest boobs in the world

Flashback over....

"Kyriè?" Axel spoke looking at me

"yes sir?" i replied keeping my head down

I talk to all the LS that way. It's a respect thing and I'm what they'd call a peasant. He looked shocked by my reply...he grabs my chin making me look up at him to face him. I made eye contact with him.

"Don't ever address me like that ever" he spoke sternly

I nodded "Yes sir-" it slipped back out again

He face palmed himself and growled

"I-Im s-sorry..." I panicked

He pulled me close hugging me.

"I missed you" he whispered in my ear

I smiled pulling away. Curious looked pissed off and Ciara was smiling ear to ear staring at us. Scar was too.

"so how y'all know each other?" Curi asked

"My very first love actually, we were married and still is cause we never got a divorce" Axel answered laughing

I smiled happily that he remembered everything.

"you still have the ring?" Axel asked

"It was a ring pop, I ate it" I chuckled

He smiled at me. "It's really good to see you again" he said

I couldn't do nothing but smile. The smile soon went away seeing we were back at LS headquarters. I hated it here. I get treated like shit...

I got out going inside getting back to work. I washed dishes and sweep the floor. I'm owned by another LS member paying off my brother debt. As soon as I finished I heard my boss coming. He grabbed my ass and smelled my hair. I cried silently hoping he didn't rape me. I could've slept with him to get the debt paid off but I'm a virgin...he said he'd go away as soon as my legs open for him. Now I'm stuck cleaning. Axel walks in just in time. My master moves away from him giving Axel dab up.

"wassup brudda" my master said to him

"wassup" Axel said sorta cold heartedly

Axel looked at me. I kept my head down. My master came behind me throwing dishes in the sink.

"rewash them" he commended me to

"but they are clean.." I retorted

"well..CLEAN THEM AGAIN YOU BITCH" he grabbed me by my hair making me cry

Author's note: Readers please don't attack Ciara she's not allowed in any LS conflict by Scar. She cant prevent anything from happening. She has no power she's only Scar's gf/Princess.

Kyrie POV

Axel jumped up and grabbed him by his neck. He backed him up against the wall choking him. Axel went from 0 to 1,000 quick. He started to turn pale only making Axel choke him harder. He let him go only to punch him over and over. I just stood there not knowing how to control him. I don't even know him anymore. My first time seeing him again and I have to breakup a fight.

"AXEL NO!" I yelled at him

He still wasn't stopping. I grabbed by behind like I'd do to stop him as a kid. I hugged him tightly.

"STOP! PLEASE" I held him tightly hugging him

The rest of the LS came in the kitchen. They stood there dumbfounded. I let Axel go only making him grab my hand and taking me to the back.

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