Chapter 4

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Kyriè's POV

I walked into class seeing my boyfriend and Axel arguing. Shawn stood up making Axel stand up. Honestly Shawn's twiggy ass is gonna get beaten to a pulp. Axel started twitching his eye with a crazy look in his eyes. I look over at Ciara mouthing at me to not jump in. I run to Axel before he snapped and grabbed his hand making him snap back. He's whole demeanor changed. He just smiled and kissed me. YES! He FUCKING kissed ME in front of Shawn...I kissed him back making him grab my ass pulling me closer. Shawn just stood there in shock.


Ciara POV
I'm bored so i'm gonna just tell my whole life story to whoever the fuck is here. So it all started in 8th grade i met Scar whenever he was in 10th. We never spoke but he was kinda a awkward weirdo. He did random shit like hit backflips near me and other stuff too.

I walked into the party with my brother and my bestie Lisa. Lisa was busy drinking and twerking on random guys. My brother told me to lay low and to stay away from anyone and these strange men had to watch me for him. My brother Nahmir always did stuff with these guys and would disappear at night. I even was shot at with him but i'll tell you that story later. I got up walking around the party to grab my bestie. I finally found her and we had so much fun twerking and singing the songs playing. She stopped dancing and started looking behind me with a questionable look. She made me turn around to see.

"Look it's HIM...he's staring at you like your a piece of freshly made cake" She said pointing to a guy in a black mask standing on a platform staring down at everyone else.

He looked mean. I thought seeing him staring back but harder. I ducked down into the crowd trying not to let him see me. I looked seeing Nahmir talking to him. They had a small conversation and then Nahmir walked back to me taking my hand leading up to the platform. My heart was beating with fear. He dropped me there and left. The strange guy looked at me harder. I put my head down thinking of the stories about that guy. Someone said he's the owner of the gang my brother works for and he calls himself alpha . I sit there feeling his eyes staring at me. He got off his throne sitting by me.

"Nahmir's little sister right?" he spoke randomly

I nodded still not saying a word keeping my head down. To him i must be a peasant. I heard he hates being looked in the eye by people considered to be below him.

"Are you mute?" he asked again making me shake my head

"So why aren't you talking love?" He asked before scooting closer

I couldn't breathe...the guy everyone is afraid of and the gang leader is talking to me...ME! I was snapped outta my thoughts whenever he waved his hand in my face.

"What the matter love? you're frowning beautiful..." he said making me face him

"I'm sorry but you're kinda intimidating..." I said looking at him

He got up and held his hand out to me. I grabbed it standing up. We walked behind the platform and he took his mask off.

"Marius? is that you?" I said remembering him from middle school

"Yes, Ciara right?" he spoke gently

"uh yeah that's me.." i said nodding

and it went from there.

Kyrie POV

"Princess?" Axel said running behind me


"I'm walking you to and from school for now on and you are gonna wear your necklace" he said in a commanding tone

I just shrugged because it's honestly better than those guys behind me. He dropped me off at my house and told me to meet him at headquarters at around 6 and to dress nice. I have no cute clothes ofc...

I go to the bathroom taking a shower and get ready to meet them there. I take an uber to the stop sign before getting out and walking there. I go inside and see the whole entire LS crew all together. They stopped what they were doing and stared at me. Ciara was sitting in Scar's lap while he played with her hair and fixed her crown. She waved me over making me sit by them. She looked beautiful in her dress and princess attire. I just wore ripped jeans and a wife beater tshirt.

"Is coronation day..." she said looking at me

"for who? i didn't see any new girls around here" i said looking around

"YOU!" she said looking at me

"me?" i asked confused cause i didn't agree to this

"YES YOU silly! you got the necklace from Axel didn't you?" she asked making me play with it around my neck

"oh..yea...but i still didn't agree to this title.." i said as she grabbed my hand taking me to her walk in closet.

Some of these clothes she hasn't even worn yet.

"Here put this on" she said handing me a white dress and a tiara that perfectly matched my necklace.

"this is too much..." i mumbled

"this is not enough" she said pointing my clothes

"fuck you" i said making us both laugh

She left while i got ready. I put it on and fixed my hair. I walked out her closet looking at myself in the mirror. Wow i look like an actual princess. A real princess. I smiled remembering whenever Axel used to play Princess and Prince with me as kids.


K: i don't like this dress it makes me look like i'm ready for church

A: we are ready for crush stupid

K: Don't call me stupid stupid

A:Shut up looking like a slave fresh off the boat

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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