Chapter 2

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Kyriè POV
He dragged me in a back room and sat me down in a chair.

"Why is someone like you here?" he asked looking down at me

"I should ask you the same thing" I responded

"It's been're still the same. You still go to church I see" he said smiling at me eyeing me down

I looked down at my outfit. I definitely was still in church mode. Cross necklace, ruffle socks and all.

"you got the muscles and abs you wanted I see" I said chuckling

We got interrupted by Ciara coming in crying.

"Princess wassup with you!?" I asked cause if Scar seen her right now he'd be pissed seeing a single tear going down her face.

"I-I wanted to go to the mall a-and Scar said no, HE NEVER TELLS ME NO! HES CHEATING ON ME" she cried

I shook my head. I miss whenever she was normal. The unspoiled Ciara was more in her head. Now she's a cry baby spoiled brat. She asks and she gets. She now forgot the word no. Scar walked in just in time to calm her.

"Princess I'll take you tomorrow okay? Daddy's really tired but still wanted to spoil you. It's a no for today okay? I still love you and trust me I don't love someone and hurt them." he spoke taking her to their room

Axel grabbed my face making me face him.

"Seriously why are you here?" He asked sternly

"My brother owes him money.." I said looking down

He frowned. "So he used you as pay off?"



Kyriè POV

I walk around the hallways at my school getting to my next class. I reach my 5th period class and sit in my desk.

"Kyriè the principal needs you to escort a new student around for today" my teacher said giving me a hall pass

I get up doing as told going to the office. I get to the office seeing Axel sitting there. I guess he's going back to school. I heard he dropped out of school. Which disappoints me. He just gave up on everything and went on the wrong road. He looked at me and smiled.

"Hey short stack" he said laughing

Not to get in my chest or nothing but I'm deadass broke. All the LS did was take from the poor to make themselves richer and look what he's doing. I shoot him a face.

"what I do wrong?" he frowned

"calling me broke.." I rolled my eyes

"Well maybe I can help you get your paper up then" he said with a smug look on his face

I rolled my eyes and sucked my teeth.

"Im good, i'll get a real job instead of getting into trouble"

"Why you say that?"

"cause what y'all LS members do is wrong. Stealing,killing, and all. Selling drugs? I'd rather get a real job and to stay away from behind bars" I rolled my eyes

"Who said I was getting you involved in any of that" he grit his teeth

"I don't want your dirty money either. I don't need your charity" I retorted

"look I'm just tryna help your little ungrateful as-ykw fuck this shit. I try to be nice but you're too blind to see it. Too busy being mommy and daddy's little church girl goody goody." he scoffed

I stopped and bit my lip. I just took his schedule and showed him his classes. I'm honestly not tryna argue. I stayed quiet and just pointed. I finished and walked to my class sitting down. Just as I thought I got rid of him he walks in and sits right beside me. I forgot he had this class with me...the seat was already taken by my soon to be bf Shawn. Just as I thought things could've been worse it just had to end in a disaster. Shawn walks in and his smile soon turned into a mug. He thinks he's so gangsta. Axel is fr that nigga so I hope he doesn't make a fool of himself. Hopefully Axel doesn't mess up on his first day. Shawn strolled up on Axel ready to start something. Little does he know...

"Yo wassup lil nigga ik you not from around these parts but umm imma need you to get the fuck out my seat" He said making the class go quiet and look at us

Axel doesn't even turn and look his way instead he put his headphones on and blasted his music. Shawn grabs him and shanks him up. I sighed knowing this finna be some shit. Axel turned out and towered over him. Instead of doing anything he walked away and off somewhere else. I'm glad he chose to cool down instead.

1 hour later

I move to my next class. I put my headphones in immediately being ran over by a group off people. I got up running wherever they was running to cause yk I'm black and all. I see a group of Junior LS members jumping Shawn. I knew Axel had something to do with this. I just sat there and watched. Axel stood there and blinded into the crowd. I walked over to him.

"Hey" he said looking at me


"Go to class Kyriè" he said turning me the other way

"No cause Ik you set this up..." I said crossing my arms

"So what you gonna do snitch?" He smirked

He's more of an asshole than I remembered...or he developed this behavior. I stood there and sighed looking at him. I turn around heading to class only to be grabbed by my waist.

"Where are you going? Throwing me under the bus?" Axel said making me face him

"No I'm just going to class" I said

End of the school day

I head out of the school building only to be stopped by some boys.

"You Kyriè?" They asked

"Who's asking?" I asked

"Axel sent us to walk you home" they said taking my backpack

"No I'm good I can walk myself" I said taking my backpack

"We really don't give a fuck. We have to walk you home." They said surrounding me

I sighed and walked home. I could barely see where I was going. Why would he send about 8 dudes to walk me home? I reached home and ran inside my house. I couldn't take all the crowded shit.

"Hey momma" I said seeing her reading her bible at the table

"Hey baby" she said not raising her head

I make my way to my bedroom and lay in my bed. A knock was at my window. I scratched my head and opened the window looking. I see large bandz of money in my window. My mouth dropped to the floor. It had a note.

Note 📝

Short stack? I meant your height cutie. Also some money for you. I just wanna see you smile.

My stomach had butterflies. I didn't know what to do with all this cash. I really don't want his charity money but he's willing to give it so I'm not complaining. Even if it is dirty money. My mind was all over the place.

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