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Lydia Martin:

Lydia dropped everything she had in her hands and ran out of her house but stopped as soon as he saw stiles on her front yard.

"Stiles?" Lydia whipped her tears away as she ran and hugged him.

"What's wrong?" Stiles said as he hugged her back.

"I thought you were.... How did you get here?" Lydia was confused out of her mind at this point.

"I was running towards your house when my dad drove by, picked me up and brought me here."

"If your here....then who's at the hospital." Lydia whispered.

"What?" Stiles said as he received a message from scott saying to com quick.

"We have to go now." Lydia said as she hurried up to her car.

She tried to unlock it but her hands were too shaky and she dropped her keys.

"Here I'll drive." Stiles said as he picked up the keys and took Lydia to the passenger side.

The drive to the hospital was full of nervousness mixed with anxiousness. As soon as stiles parked the car lydia ran out and into the hospital building.

"Lydia!" Allison yelled as she hugged her best friend.

"Allison? What's going on? Why are you all here?" Lydia was frustrated at the fact that no one was telling her what was going on.

Stiles had finally entered the building and caught up with everyone in the emergency waiting room.

"Its um......." Scott started speaking but got choked up.

"Who is it! Tell me!" At this point Lydia was crying because she was scared of the unknown.

"Where is isaac?" As soon as Lydia asked the question she knew why she was here. She knew who was laying on a hospital bed because of her.... Again.

Lydia down the hospital hallway trying to find which room isaac was in.

Everyone else followed her trying to stop her and make her calm down.

"Lydia stop!" Allison yelled out for her best friend.

"He is in the ICU." Scott whispered to Lydia.

"And!? I want to see him." Lydia cried out.

"Lyds you can't. He's in critical condition. Someone ran him over." As soon as allison said that Lydia's world came crumbling down. her knees gave out and she was now on the floor crying.

"The doctors don't know if he'll make it." Allison cried out as she hugged her friend who was on the floor.

"Its my fault." Lydia whispered as she slowly rocked back and forth while crying.

"Please I have to see him." Lydia said as she looked up at all her friends.

"Scott can't you go find your mom?" Stiles said to his best friend who's mom worked at the hospital they where at.

"I'll be right back." Scott said as he left to find his mother.

Stiles picked up lydia off the floor as nurses and doctors walked pass them.

Lydia burried her face in stiles chest continuing to whisper how it was her fault.

After 5 minutes of waiting, Scott finally came back with his mom. She lead him to the ICU department and then to the room isaac was checked into.

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