Chapter 2

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Izuku's pov

I never knew how messed up the world was till I had opened my eyes to see beyond my own visions. Since the day my mother died I'd made a vow to change this society and never let my eyes be fooled again. In order to do both those things I needed to see clearly never turn my eyes from new possibilities. Although that was the exact same thing I was doing right now. I knew I had royally fucked up after yesterday but I didn't think it was going to be so bad. I didn't sleep at all last night because I was thinking about her and all my decisions in life. I had done so much but whenever I thought to do it again her damned face was in my head, like with the camp thing last night I actually thought of warning her.

" What the fuck is wrong with me? " I groaned in frustration before slamming my head against the bar table most likely getting weird looks from the others.

" Yeah what the hell is wrong with you? " Dabi spoke from the couch not facing away from the game he and Shigaraki were currently playing. I never responded but just groaned while banging my head against the wooden bar continuously.

" If you too are having one of master Tomura's tantrums I'd prefer if my bar wasn't involved. " Kurogiri spoke no doubt shining a glass.

" Sorry I'm just conflicted. " I whispered out before I heard a low chuckle mixed with static. I instantly knew who it was from and tensed up a bit while thinking up a lie I could use should the need arise.

" Uh young Izuku it seems you've been placed at a crossroad. I'm to assume your problem resolved around the heiress you've marked as your target. " Shit shit shit I'd forgotten how into our thoughts this old fossil was. He read me like an open book and I tried so hard for it not to get noticed. Alright don't panic Izuku just play the long game and maybe you'll convince him it isn't like that.

" What do you mean sensei. I'm just stressing about the plan. " The static mixed chuckle once again filled the bar as the man laughed.

" There's no need to lie to me young Izuku. I've been noticing for a while now your sudden changes. It has been quite amusing watching you try so hard to please her. " Okay now I'm confused isn't this dude cautious about me turning or that I might betray him.

" Your not mad? " I asked steeling the nerves to ask that.

" Oh no not at all. Your still young and maturing but I know in the end you'll always be on our side. I know that when this is said and done you'll rise above those feelings in order to accomplish the goals you've set out for yourself. " I didn't respond to his logic because I knew he was right Momo was just a means to an end. Besides my one reason for doing anything is so I can shatter the current society of heroes and free the oppressed.

" Your right sensei. My conviction and visions have been forged by years of hardships and trauma it will take more that some measly damsel to break down what I wished to accomplish. " It wasn't a lie but I knew Momo wasn't going to understand no one was they'd all grown up privileged and no nothing about the other side.

" Good Izuku you'll do well in your journey. " The voice of master spoke but I didn't respond but just close my eyes and try to invision the future I'd hoped for years back. A society where the quirked and quirkless can live together, where a hero has no desire for riches and praise but only to save. However something odd happened though I started to see that smiling face she'd given me after I'd given her the necklace. I mentally told myself she was no more than a pawn in my game but still that didn't stop the aching in my chest.

Momo's pov

The day was a slow day and quite boring. Though a majority of my class had been anxious about this camping trip I was really not in it. I'm still a little weak in the knees after yesterday at the mall with Izuku and it doesn't help that my friends saw the whole thing and took some souvenir photos. My first kiss was absolutely magical in my mind although it wasn't want I'd envisioned it was perfect to me. When I'd read my books they'd always have a kiss in some romantic way that would leave both their hearts melting and that's what I want but hearing his words just pushed me over. We didn't talk at all last night but at least he sent me a good morning and good luck message this morning.

That's what I loved about Izuku, despite being the shy and overly quirk obsessed need type he knew how to press my buttons. Sure when we'd started dating I didn't feel the sparks or connection between us but now I'm just so into it. It's just like those novels I'd read were the girl and boy are together for different reasons but end up falling madly in love.

" Yaomomo you good? " I felt a tap on my shoulders accompanied by that voice, turning to my side I saw my best friend smirk while she looked at me.

" Oh Jiro what's wrong? " Her smirk was widened as Mina suddenly came from the seat infront of us with a smirk as well.

" Oh my goodness Momo is whipped. " She said loudly catching everyone's attention, I felt their eyes on me making me blush harder.

" Yeah you've been blushing for the past twenty minutes. Could you still be thinking about your boyfriend. " Hagakure said with a teasing tone appearing from the seat behind us, at this point I was certain my face was definitely tomato paste red.

" G-guys st-stop...  "

" Oh look she's blushing so much. Could it be that kiss is still affecting you. " Jiro also teased as she pulled out her phone and flashed me the image.

" Though I gotta ask does he have an older brother. A face that gorgeous has to have a rival. " Mina said with a big smile.

" Heck I wouldn't even mind if it was his brother younger by three years. " Hagakure commented he head leaning on top of my own.

" Guys stop your embarrassing Momo. It's not her fault your single and she has a greek god for a boyfriend. " Tsu spoke seemingly coming to my rescue but it only made matters worse.

" You don't get to talk Tsu I saw the way you were eyeing him when he was carrying all those bags exposing that muscle. " The pink skinned classmate of mine countered as she made the frog girl blush aswell.

" Well I do admit Momo hit the jackpot of a man but still it's not our place to tease her like that. " Tsu said regaining her composure.

" Thank you Tsu I agree we shouldn't tease Momo like that. " I said trying to get them to drop the matter.

" Oh boo your such a bore. Anyway what cafe does Mr green work at I wanna go look me up some treats. " I was about to respond to Mina's question but mister Aizawa

" Alright quiet down we're taking a stretch everybody out. " Yes saved by the bell thank you teacher. I got up first and practically dashed outside so I can avoid Mina and Hagakure teasing sessions. When we all got outside we saw the forest beneath us a the mountain view. Though for some odd reason I didn't have a good feeling about this. Just then a car pulled up and out came a hero group.

' oh I definitely don't have a good feeling about this. '

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