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Fumbling with my keys, I attempted to unlock the front door of Domenico's huge lavish home. I cursed when they slipped from my hand, falling and making a clinking noise as they hit the ground. I knew taking those last few shots of tequila was a bad idea, but I needed something to drown out what happened with that asshole frat boy.

"Real smooth, Catalina," laughing to myself, I swayed back and forth—struggling to pick up my keys without falling forward and hitting the ground face first. Just having finished mostly healing, the last thing I needed was to faceplant on Nic's front stoop. Humming, I tried my best to concentrate on the task at hand when the door in front of me flew open. My knees buckled, I was immediately caught off guard when the hot air wafting from inside the heated house hit me. "Whoa!" I lost my balance and went tumbling forward before someone took hold of me. The familiar scent of warm cedar with a hint of menthol engulfed my senses, and I let myself fall into it.

"Shit, what the hell were you doing out there?" We both shuffled backward into the foyer before Salvatore steadied us on our feet. He then let go of me as soon as he knew I was balanced. The entire house was dark and quiet. The place was a tad eerie late at night, and if it weren't for the oven overhead lamp barely lighting the hall. I'd be freaked the fuck out. I could have sworn this place was haunted.

"I was on my way inside before you made me trip," I stepped back over to the open door, grabbing my fallen keys before shutting it.

"Jesus, could you slam the door any harder?" Salvatore chastised before shaking his head, and somehow though I couldn't see him, I knew he was rolling his eyes at me.

Turning on his heels, he started towards his room, and I followed close behind, considering we were also neighbors. On one side, there was Lorenzo, a man who I currently hated, and on the other was Salvatore, a man who at one point hated me. He stopped just shy of his door before cocking his head to look at me. "You do realize there are three other men in this house equally as armed as I am? And tripped you? Your drunken ass would have eaten shit if I wasn't there to catch you."

Was he trying to call me out? Yeah. No. "Okay, first, I'm not drunk." I brought my hands on my hip and narrowed my eyes at his silhouette through the darkness. I hated being told I was drunk when I was merely just tipsy. "And second, I was quiet!"

"Yeah, as quiet as a bull in a china shop," Salvatore replied dryly to my little outburst, making me roll my eyes. I was quiet, dammit. "Whatever, get your ass shot if you want to. Anyway, I'm bored of this now," he motioned his hand back and forth between us. Then he turned around, opening his bedroom door and stepping into his room. "Night." Salvatore didn't give me time to reply before the jerk closed his door in my face.

"Goodnight, asshole," I mumbled under my breath as I stepped to my bedroom. What was he doing awake, anyway? I deliberately had Lola drive us to CookOut so I could get food to help soak up all the tequila that I downed at the Halloween party. Their hushpuppies with a side of chili and peanut butter banana milkshake was my go-to meal when I needed to sober up. It was a bonus that it kept me out of the house longer so I wouldn't run into any of the guys. I guessed I could consider that a failed mission.

Plopping down on my bed, I unzipped and kicked off my boots because they had to go. Too lazy to get undressed, I laid back on my mattress and buried myself in the enormous king-sized plush comforter Nic gave me the first night I was here. My iPhone dinged, and I pulled it out of the bra of my corset to see who it was. Smiling up at my phone, I scrolled through all of the pictures that Lola and Sophie made me take with them.

Oh my God, We looked like the bootleg Charlie's Angels. I posted a few of them to my Instagram, then checked my other social media, pausing when I came across a tribute post to my dead ex-boyfriend.

It was a photo of Liam last year with one of his college buddies. They were both in Halloween costumes with a caption that read: Six months, and I still can't believe you're gone. Miss you, bro.

Closing the app, I threw my phone down on the bed. I didn't particularly appreciate the fact that I knew what really happened to him while everyone else thought it was a mugging. That shit really wore down on my conscience. Every time I saw one of those tributes, it reminded me that I was just as guilty as Nic and Enzo were for killing him. I may not have been the one to pull the trigger, but I didn't go to the authorities either. Even in my deepest slumber, I couldn't get the image of how lifeless his eyes looked that night. I'd wake up covered in sweat and find myself unable to fall back to sleep.

When that would happen, I would grab my phone and text that mysterious stranger who kept me company while on the run. Though I added his—or her number to my contacts, I never actually had the nerve to call them.

At first, I believed it was because I didn't want to scare them off. It was nice to have someone to talk to. Though if I were truly frank with myself, I was terrified of that thought of who might be on the other end of that phone call. I was alone back then if they decided to come for me. But now I was in a house full of, as Salvatore put it, heavily armed men. So what could be the worst to happen?

Bringing my bottom lip between my teeth, I turned over on my stomach. This is a horrible idea, Catalina. My inner voice told me, but I ignored her. Chewing on my lip, I grabbed my phone, unlocking and scrolling through my contacts until I landed on—Asshole—the name I appointed them. Whoever they were. You really shouldn't open this door, Cat. I thought while imagining all the ways this could go wrong. "Yeah, you may not like what's on the other side," I whispered to myself, hovering my thumb over the call button. I knew it was a stupid fucking idea, but I had to learn the truth.

Ultimately the curious side of me won out when I said fuck it, hit send, and brought the phone to my ear. My heart hammered as I held my breath, listening to the first ring. No one picked up. Good. It rang three more times before I began to think I was going crazy.

Getting up from my bed, I followed the distant sound of buzzing. Ring... Buzz... Ring... Buzz... Ring... Buzz... "Hi, you've reached a voicemail system that has not been set up yet. Please try your call again later." An automated voice told me, but I quickly hung up and pressed the call button again, dialing the number for the second time. Again. Ring... Buzz... Ring... Buzz... Ring... Buzz... My chest tightened when the sound I was seeking led me back to his door.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I whipped open the barrier keeping me from the object of my curiosity. Luckily it was unlocked, and that's when I saw the phone vibrating on his dresser. The room was currently vacant, but I heard the ensuite shower going, so I knew I needed to be quick. I hurried over to the nightstand picking the buzzing device up, and I saw my name lit up on the screen. Son of a bitch.

"What the fuck are you doing in my room," Salvatore demanded, standing in the entryway of his bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. I must've been too distracted to realize that the showerhead had turned off and the washroom door had opened.

Scoffing, I instinctively shuffled on my feet before looking up at his angry face. He was scowling in my direction with dark hatred in his eyes. The man stared at me as though he were ready to kill me on the spot. I won't lie, Salvatore was a scary dude, but I wasn't going to take this newfound discovery lying down. So I squared my shoulders to let him know just that. I then clenched my jaw and narrowed my eyes, purposefully holding his phone up between us so he could get a good look at what I found.

"Better goddamn question, Salvatore. What the fuck is my name doing on your phone right now?"

hope you enjoyed it.

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