Saturday Night Fever

457 22 43

Scene 1: The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Leo Rylin

"Ready to go in?" I asked as she stared worriedly at the people going through the door.

"How did I still end up underdressed?"

"They're overdressed."

Elle grabbed my hand and carefully went up the stairs. "It's so hard to walk in these."

I chuckled watching her struggle in her heels. "I've got you, Bambi." And She glared at me but only for a second because she wouldn't take a step without staring down at her feet.

There are ropes leading everyone to the exhibit. We follow them into the room with candlelit tables and servers walking around with drinks. I'm assuming this is what people actually came for.

Not Heather though. She's standing in front of a sculpture, but we lock eyes the second she looks away.

Saying we shouldn't talk causes a bigger problem than it would prevent.

I mean, it's just Heather.

Elle rolls her eyes when I wave her over, and she makes a comment under her breath about Heather walking perfectly in high heels.

"Hi," Heather said hesitantly.

"Hi," I respond. "I've never seen this place like this."

"I know it can be boring for some people. It's okay if you don't like it."

"We like it."

A guy comes up next to her, I don't think we've met...but there's something familiar about him...

He puts his arm around her. Something I would've done to let her know she's safe. Something I would've done as her boyfriend.

Oh, yeah, I never got to see your face because it was eating Heather's.

"Adrian, this is Leo and Elle," she introduced.

He smiles and reaches his hand toward me. "It's an honor."

"Same..." I shake his hand to be polite and then watch as he kisses Elle's.

He's a whore, Heather.

"If you need anything, feel free to ask me," Adrian said politely. "I insist."

I nodded. "Thanks, man."

"Well...enjoy," Heather steps back, an arm around the dude to take him with her. "You look beautiful, by the way," she said to Elle.

And she does, but Elle hates Heather too much to say thank you...or believe it when she's comparing herself to these people.

"Don't give me that face, she's being fake," she scoffed at me.

"She's not."

Elle raised her eyebrows at where Heather and Adrian moved to. "No wonder she's so friendly all of a sudden. She's finally getting some."


From that guy?

"Why do you think that?" I asked but Elle was following after the appetizer tray. My attention split between keeping track of her and trying to figure out where she got the idea that Heather and the real Italian were doing anything other than making the front page.

"So, this is what you centrals do for fun?"

"Yeah, when I'm not at the Yacht club," I reply, making her laugh. Things must be real funny because Heather and what's-his-face are laughing too...and holding both hands...and acting as if they don't notice anyone else in the building but each other. Elle's right, huh? I know this play. It's a stupid thing you do instead of admitting that you want to hook up. Why am I even in their space? "You think we should leave?"

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