chapter 4

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„Are you Danny?"


What do I say now? I'm fucked. Where did he find the lingerie anyway, I thought I hid it properly. Wait, but if he knows my camboy name, then that means he watches my shows!

Or he just accidentally found my profile.

I started panicking and he seemed to notice that, because his face softened. Meanwhile I thought about what to say, uncomfortable with the silence.

„That's not mine, someone must have left it here. And who's Danny? Never heard of him." I decided to deny it in a calm voice, but it sounded more awkward. He didn't look like he believed my words at all. „Oh yeah? Well I have more proof. For example the bed and the sheets, they're exactly the same like in your livestreams." I was about to cut him off, but he went on.

„Then your voice, I knew it sounded familiar and I had my suspicions, that's why I approached you. Oh and one more thing..."

Suddenly he took a few steps towards me, closing the distance and stood now just a few inches away from me. I held my breath, too scared to do anything. He slowly lifted up my shirt, traced my stomach with his finger and stopped on a single spot. „This little mole on your lower abdomen..." my eyes widened, „is also the same."

I looked up and stared into his eyes. How... how could someone recognize such a tiny detail?! And how do I get out of this situation?

„T-That's just coincidence..." I didn't back down yet, but I could feel I was losing this. My voice wasn't confident and I was stuttering. He wasn't convinced one bit.

He smirked. „Oh yeah? Want me to look for the dildo you used? I bet it's hidden somewhere near here." A sly grin on his face sent shivers down my spine. I didn't recognize this person anymore, that's definitely not the innocent and smily Oliver I knew. Did I even know him? Maybe he was just acting all this time. I shouldn't have brought him home with me.

I was left speechless. No words would come out of my mouth, no matter how hard I tried to form a sentence. Will he reveal my secret? Ruin everything I worked so hard for? Will he blackmail me? I clenched my teeth, he was in power right now and there was nothing I could do about it, except maybe beg him to keep my secret. But I wasn't the type to do that.

He noticed I wasn't speaking, waiting for him to say something first, so he explained. „I won't threaten you, I promise you that. But there is indeed something I want." I looked into his narrowed eyes, that screamed victory. I felt tiny, like I didn't have any say in this. This was so unlike me, put yourself together, Max!

I cleared my throat, trying to seem like a wasn't intimidated by his words. „What is it you want?" He acted like he was thinking, but it was evident he already knew what he wanted. „Hmm, let's see..." „Just hurry up." I said impatient.

His smirk grew and he finally told me.

„I wanna participate in one of your livestreams!" he clapped his hands together, his eyes sparkling. This was the old Oliver, the one I knew. „Pleaseee, I swear I won't tell your secret to anyone!"

What's with the change in attitude? I wasn't sure if I should trust him, but something deep within me told me I should. If I rejected him, there's a high chance he'll reveal my hidden identity.

„You see, I'm a big fan of yours! I watch your show every week and already spent a lot of money! Luckily I have enough in my wallet, so I won't have to worry about becoming homeless." He paused. „I'll give you time till Friday evening to decide, make sure to tell me before the time runs out or..." He smirked mischievously and I gulped. „Okay." I replied.

„I'm so tired, you too? Let's go to sleep!" His personality changed again... He then jumped onto my bed and made himself comfortable, covering his body with a blanket. I sighed and gave in. I laid next to him and turned to face the other side, so I didn't have to look at him, it would feel weird after the conversation we had just earlier.

My thoughts couldn't keep still inside my head so I glanced over to Oliver, who was snoring without a care in the world. Wait, did he brush his teeth? Or wash up? Or change into something else? No! That dirty pig!

I furrowed my brows and after a while I too slowly drifted off to sleep.


The next day came and I woke up to the birds singing outside. I yawned and stretched my arms, before turning to the other side to sleep longer. But what I saw almost gave me a heart attack.

„Good morning!" Next to me laid an energetic and happy Oliver with a big grin, like he didn't go to sleep at 2 am.

I groaned annoyed and turned back again. My eyes closing due to me being still tired. I could sleep all day, if I could. Wait. If I could? That's right, I have work! And I forgot to set the alarm! I panicked and grabbed my phone, that was being charged on the bedside table, to find out what time it was.

It showed 8 am. I exhaled relieved, work starts at 10 am so if I get up now, I'll be there just on time. I stood up and suppressed my tiredness. „Where are you going?" asked my coworker still in bed. „Get up, work starts in two hours. So hurry up and wash yourself. I'll make breakfast in the meantime."

„Aye aye, captain!" He jumped out of bed and ran towards the bathroom. I rolled my eyes. Where did he get all that energy?

I walked to the kitchen and decided to prepare the breakfast. What should we have? There's not much here but I'm sure I'll find something.

In the and I made toast, exactly two, one for each of us. In that exact moment Oliver finished all his stuff too. He walked in wearing his clothes from yesterday, because I didn't want to borrow him mine. „That smells good." he complimented.

I had to agree, I was quite a good cook. But I could only do easy things like this. „Nutella or strawberry jam?" I asked and waited for him to choose, holding both of them in my hands. He didn't take long to decide. „Nutella!" I handed it over to him and opened the strawberry jam for myself.

After we ate everything up, we cleaned the table and it was my turn in the bathroom. I tried to be as quick as possible as the time was almost 9.

To work we took the bus and luckily there were two free seats near each other, so we sat down, facing one another. He seemed cheerful, did he like working? For me the silence was rather awkward and I didn't dare look at him, afraid we might make eye contact. The entire time I looked out the window and admired the view.

Like that our ride went on. I wondered what the others will think about us coming together and him still wearing the clothes from yesterday.

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