Group Of Human Conspirators Intermission

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In town, a town where the humans live in a group of conspirators of five, the same burly dark-skinned man with his fellow four friends had set up their stand about mysterious creatures roaming the island having thousands of photos and several videos caught on camera from a drone and night hours from residential homes from neighbors. They were selling the photos and drawings in their neighborhood as they were starting to attract the news media if they had been getting sightings about these creatures one of the residents of their neighborhood asks if they are dangerous and the leader of the group who was Errol told the resident of his neighborhood about some of the mysterious creatures can be dangerous if they are not venomous. One of his friends was this one woman with a turtleneck coat with very long sleeves covering her hands was Mitzi who is like a computer nerd who controls the drone of hers she design to see at night to catch as many mysterious creatures on camera as possible to have the scientists from the science center get some identification and studies what these creatures do in the wilderness and what they eat.

Some of the journalists from the crowd of news reporters got their notebooks and start scribbling fast in a worried paste from what Mitzi had mentioned earlier before another member of Errol's group came forward to speak to the crowd spitting out a theory he has recalled claiming to had seen several unidentified flying objects in the skies from the past few nights ago while he was returning home from working with his friend. Darnell who is a cool guy was so much into occult hunting and have many scary encounters with the paranormal investigation in his homeland while hanging out with his buddies of his like Willis, a nervous and cautious young man who is so worrisome when it comes to something bad happening to avoid minor or serious injuries and he, however, doesn't go into dangerous situations when it comes with many of the residents in his friend's neighborhood encountering wild animals roaming here in town. 

Darnellcan respected that and didn't want to risk losing his life when it comes to monster-hunting. Still, he remembers getting fined many times for trespassing in restricted areas when going alone in the search of those strange creatures as the elemental monsters, which the population is slowly skyrocketing as there are getting fewer native animals and more elemental monsters appear frequently in town, and more sighting reports from anonymous in internet or police report. The last member of Errol's group was Marci who is a woman with a bucktooth she was into trapping and attempting to catch a live specimen to get information about these creatures as she has her journal in writing her encounter from the previous events when she and her friends went out in search for some clues if these creatures are still around today. The journalists were asking a lot more questions to Errol's group if they recall seeing missing people from the posters, but none of them have not seen them on the missing posters that were hanging around town and nobody else don't know what happened to them, but possibly they got eaten by the carnivorous creatures.

The news reporter came in front of the crowd with the cameraman telling the audience about what they are hearing from these conspirators and how they have been finding clues if these creatures are responsible for the disappearances of the missing people, but they weren't aware they are being eavesdropped by one of the Galactic Terror Star Command's drones that is live streaming the conversation to the humans as Anson who is the general was boiling in anger and wanted to shut them up on screen, but Rhazien interferes and got the update about the citizens from Ubbinfalls and watching the effects of the protein and weight loss shakes on them which doesn't impress Anson, but Taupe Trickster has many more tricks up his sleeves when it comes with their next step when the citizens are becoming so severe, the ones who lost so much weight from the weight loss shake will start their attack on the humans from the next lonesome land and then take down the tamers that are being affected from the shakes they took.

Anson: I knew these humans are onto us and they are still persistent in searching for answers to our presents!

Rhazien: According to these buffoons, Anson, this group of five conspirators is trying to wake up the public about the dangers of the rogue elemental monsters still running on the islands were on. Nevertheless, we're still going to keep ourselves blended in the shadows of the night till we make our next target.

Anson: The weight loss shakes and the protein shakes are slowly in progress till they become severely ill! We need to make our next move soon till night falls later!

Anson wanted them to find answers to speed up the effects of those shakes fast, but before he rambles in frustration, an idea came to his mind, the idea for Taupe Trickster to order his men to design a much more advanced elixir to speed up the effects of the weight loss and protein shakes if they can and influence those commoners into drinking those stuff to stop the body aches they were still watching from one of the drones of Rhazien'sbefore Taupe Trickster was starting to get Anson's idea and has this one-ingredient for the recipe of the new elixir his men may craft in influencing the commoners into drinking this stuff so they will get themselves dressed up for their next move in duping the citizens who took the weight loss shakes and protein shakes.

Elemental Monsters Ch.22 Keon Deceived By Salesman Part. IIWhere stories live. Discover now