Chapter 13

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Darcy was suddenly aware that she was finally waking up. She could feel the clean smooth linens surrounding her, could see a dim light through her closed eyelids, could smell fresh air and feel a soft breeze, hear the sound of gently swaying cloth, and the quiet drip of rain. She kept her eyes shut and tried to remember what had happened. She had been at the club, hoping to have a word with one of her inside people, confirming some details about her little chimney sweep lie. But she'd had to walk through the hall since the no one had answered her pounding at the back door. Someone had flagged her down as if she were a server there. She'd gone along with it until she realized who he and his companion were. But it was too late by then. It was a disaster after that. She remembered waking up in dimly lit room, lying on a cot. She remembered an old woman who had come in with medicine. She must have passed out while the woman had been tending to her wounds, because she couldn't remember anything after that.

So how long had she been sick? And where was she now? She wasn't in the same dark room as before since this one had windows, windows she could escape through if necessary.

She slowly opened her eyes, careful not to make a sound. She wanted a moment to assess her surroundings before anyone came to check on her. The first thing she saw though, was that there was someone else in the room, standing by a high window. His back was to her but even so she knew the man looking out on the grey drizzle was that man. She wished she knew whose side he was on. At first he had been quite kind to her, rushing to her aid and all. The second time he'd been rather sullen and quiet. And the last she'd seen him, he'd been quite fierce.

Well, it didn't really matter she supposed. His presence was only mildly inconvenient, as it meant she had to wait him out so she could escape before anyone knew she was awake. She was clever, hopefully more so than he, and would pretend to sleep until he left. She let her face fall into a restful expression, eyes closed as she feigned sleep, just like she had with that Miss Lennords.

This was not the first time her plans had gone awry, but it was decidedly the worst. She must have come awfully close to dying from the infection and she'd probably set back the healing of her ribs by another two weeks. She needed to stop pushing her luck and find a safe place to lay low for a bit. But not here. Not when she didn't know anyone and what they knew or didn't know. And how long had she been here anyway? She felt rather well at the moment, which made her wonder if she'd been here longer than just a few days. Or maybe it was the laudanum wearing off. Either way, she hoped her improvement lasted long enough for her to get out of here and go someplace less threatening to wait out the rest of her recovery.

"You look a great deal better."

It was all Darcy could do not to jump at the sound. Instead, she slowly opened her eyes as if she'd just been rudely waken. Her eyes met the judgmental gaze of the Lord Damian Derriloes as he watched her from across the room. So he was not so easily fooled as she'd thought, that was alright, she would still find a way to get out of here.

Pretending that she'd been asleep was pointless. She'd more likely trip him up if she admitted to her duplicity and then blazed right into another lie.

She smiled sappily, as if the laudanum was still at work.

A strange expression crossed his face, amusement perhaps, and admiration? It was hard to say from across the room.

"They didn't give you laudanum."

Now she was impressed. That he should be so observant and adept at reading a situation was both laudable and worrying. Did it make her chance at escape any less likely? Did she need to rethink her plan?

She gave him a stony stare as she pushed herself up into a more commanding position. It hurt considerably and she felt a wave of nausea wash over her. She pushed it back however to focus on the moment at hand.

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