Chapter 16

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Not long after Bentley's early arrival, the rest of Derriloes' guests began to filter in, Miss Lennords and Sir Seamus, Lionel Wrayworth, and two or three other guests. Dr. Madras had sent earlier, saying she would be late, but that she still planned on coming.

Soon the usually silent halls were full of conversation and laughter. The ladies excused themselves to their chambers to refresh themselves before dinner and the men retired to the drawing room and talked in great animation of all current events and other such interesting topics.

This carried on for some time before Seamus suggested they take a ride around the grounds before it was too dark to appreciate them. As the potential future estate of his sister, he took particular interest in it. The idea was met with immense approval and Derriloes was not opposed, though the grounds were not so lovely now as they had been before the rains and wind had ripped all the vibrant leaves off the trees. They quickly sent up to see if any of the ladies would join them. Miss Lennords and the two female guests Derriloes had invited especially for her company, replied in the affirmative, declaring they would need but a moment to change into their riding habits.

Before they went out, Derriloes pulled his housekeeper aside.

"Keep an eye on the guest. She is still quite sick and needs to rest. And if Mrs. Madras comes before we get back, please welcome her and show her to her room if she plans on staying the night."

Mrs. Reed bobbed her head smiling, "Yes, sir. You can be sure everything will be taken care of. I say, it's been a long while since we've been this busy and bustling, we should have done a practice run." and with a chuckle, she rushed off.

Just then the ladies emerged, a flurry of riding vestiture and bubbling laughter.

"Is that everyone then?" Seamus asked with a smart flick of his whip.

The group did indeed seem to be ready so Derriloes gestured that they be on their way, so that they may be back in time enough to clean up for dinner and welcome Dr. Madras.

"Are you going to ride that demon steed of yours, Damian? Taverick, isn't it?" Seamus asked as they walked out to where the liverymen had their horses waiting and ready. Seamus was an expert on horses and riding and all things equestrian, and had long admired Derriloes' fine assortment of horseflesh, particularly the big black stallion.

Derriloes shook his head and smiled, "No, he's hardly appropriate for a gentle ride around the grounds. I'll take Benson, he's much more of a gentleman's horse. Did you bring Gothel, or will you need one of mine?"

Seamus returned the brotherly smile, "I never go anywhere without Gothel if I can help it. Such a good solid horse. And I hoped we would ride so I suggest to Gracie that we bring our horses as well as the carriage."

"Very good. She brought Carolina, I suppose?"

Seamus laughed out loud this time. It was well known that Grace Lennords had about the most stubborn and awful horse, but that she loved the thing to the exclusion of any other steed and refused to replace her.

"Yes, it's Carolina."

They exchanged a knowing smile before separating to mount their waiting steeds.


You have either remembered or forgotten that Cecil McRavey had also planned a small dinner party for that night. Of course, there was a great deal less fuss and bother over this party because McRavey was much more accustomed to having small private dinner parties. Tonight he had invited two of Claire's acquaintances and one of his old friends from the navy. Of course Mr. Lawerence was coming, and as a last minute decision, McRavey had invited a high-end couple who embodied everything English society was at its best and then some. He figured that if Mr. Lawrence was searching for someone, a couple like the Dempseys could be quite useful.

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