Chapter 0: Powerful Entities

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Darkness. That was all the (h/c) girl could see. She had died but somehow she was still conscious in this void like place. Floating endlessly, unable to move a muscle.

After quite some time the girl finally was able to stand on the non-existent ground. The girl quickly hurries to check if this was real, patting her upper torso.

'What happened? Where am I? What is this place?' Millions of questions were going through the (h/c) girl's head, unfortunately not noticing the two menacing auras approaching her.

"What's zis ve have here?" Suddenly a smooth yet slightly teasing female voice said.

The (h/c) girl's expression quickly turned into a panic as she heard the voice. She tries to run away but suddenly the floor she was kneeling on prevented her to do so.

"Ugh, don't suddenly creep up on her. I hate having to restrain pests." Another smooth, calming but annoyed voice responded to the other.

The girl was quick to stare at the ground as to not see the owner of the voices. "Hmph, Ignorant as ever. Stand up fool." The annoyed now demanding voice commanded.

The girl's body suddenly stranded up on its own as if it was being controlled. the girl quickly closes her eyes, a sigh was released as she did. "Don't worry, open your eyes. We won't bite" The smooth voice reassured.

The girl hesitantly opened her eyes to see, a new bright place unlike where she was before.
Infront of her were two tall women of the same height. "Took her long enough" the raven haired one said before spawning a chair  before she could fall ass first on the ground.

The white haired one doing the same. A chair also appeared before the girl for her to sit on.


"Alright!," the white haired woman clasped her hands together "Now, Let's discuss why you are here"

While black haired woman was sipping some tea 'Where did she even get that from? Where did even these chairs come from?!' I thought puzzled, this just happened too fast.

"Let us introduce ourselves first, My name is Charlotte. This is Oraziel, you can just call her Rose." Charlotte said as she gestured to Orazie- erm...Rose.

"Okay now back to the topic, to discuss why you are here-" Before Charlotte could finish she was interrupted by Rose.

"Stop acting, let's just get this over with" She said as the world around us shifts into a room, that is dimly litted by a fireplace.

"My, so impatient as ever" Charlotte teased, revealing her true personality.

"The reason you are here is because you died" Rose explained.

"Oh how tragic!" White hair exaggeratedly said. "Anyways, We know that you won't care so we're sending you into an Anime!"

Rose face-palmed "You idiot. We have to know if she agrees or n-"

"Um, I kinda actually want to go into an Anime" I boldly interrupted Rose before she could finish.

"See! She even wants to go! She clearly didn't care about anything when she was alive" Charlotte smugly corrected Rose. "Anyways, what anime do you want to go to?"

"I was thinking of going to Highschool Dxd" I suggested as Charlotte nods her head thinking.

"Ugh, that sin filled place is where you want to go? I can't believe I'm even doing this" Rose groaned as I shrugged to her response.

"Alright then, we're gonna infuse our abilities to you" Charlotte exclaimed.


Y/n was now laying down on a altar.

"Okay just a fair warning, that when we fuse our abilities into you is that you may have some personality changes, blah blah something like that." Y/n nods in understanding as they start the fusing.

(Timeskip: an Hour Later)

"Ugh, now she has her personality!" Rose groaned for the millionth time as Y/n and Charlotte were trolling around the place while they were waiting for Y/n's power to manifest.

"Deep breathes Rose, Deep Breathes. She'll be going anyy minute now" Rose tries to restrain  herself as chaos surrounds the place.

Suddenly a strong aura far from rivaling the two women but was certainly strong, surges out.

"It's time for you to go" Rose said while lifting up Y/n by her collar.

"Awww mannn, already? I was just starting to like her," Charlotte whined "Don't worry we'll just visit you from time to time"

"Thanks for this" Y/n said before Rose threw her into a portal.


Well the chapter is out. What do you guys think?

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