my words shoot to kill when i'm mad

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idk if you wanted angst but here

When Kate wakes up alone in bed the next morning, she can't say that she's surprised. She likes to consider herself an early riser, but Yelena rises even earlier. Only difference to this morning is that she didn't stay with Kate.

She knows Yelena's more than capable of taking care of herself, so she just stretches in bed, contemplating if she wants to spend an hour on her phone or go eat something.

Her stomach is quick to answer that question, growling painfully. She groans, sitting up and turning the AC up a little bit. Yelena must've turned it down overnight because it's freezing in here.

She heads downstairs, barely surprised when she sees Laura already nursing a cup of coffee. She is surprised, however, when she sees Wanda standing in the kitchen and leaning over the island, flipping through a cookbook.

"Morning, Kate," Laura greets with a small tired smile, "how'd you sleep?"

"Good," Kate replies shortly, curiosity piqued by whatever Wanda's doing. She gets herself orange juice out of the fridge instead of asking anything being that Wanda seems to be lost in her little world.

"Plan on eating anything?" Laura asks as Kate downs almost half a glass. She's giving her a mom-glare and Kate can't help but be reminded of Yelena's comment about Clint and Laura treating her like one of their kids. "You can't just live on orange juice."

As much as she's tempted to respond with watch me , she bites back her response and shrugs, "I don't think you want me cooking, to be honest."

"Do you want me to cook you something?" Laura questions, looking a little too ready to help her out.

"No! It's fine. Relax," Kate assures her, "I'll just wait for Lena to get back. Or I can go out and get something."

"Kate, we have plenty of food," Laura says, sipping on her coffee, "Plus, Wanda's a good cook."

"What about me?" the witch looks up from the cookbook at them, obviously a little taken aback.

"You're a good cook," Laura responds, elbows resting on the table as she talks, "and Kate's hungry."

"I did want to make pancakes," Wanda admits, absentmindedly letting her magic twirl between her fingers. Kate's noticed that that's something Wanda does a lot. "I haven't made them in such a long time and you have fresh blueberries that I thought would fit really well."

"That sounds really good," Kate points out, putting her now empty cup in the sink, "Do that."

"You know, you're very demanding," Laura points out, a little smile on her lips as she goes to take a sip of her coffee again.

"Rich kid syndrome," Wanda comments, catching Kate a little off guard. She doesn't reply, though, knowing Wanda's right.

"What're you doing here?" Kate blurts out, immediately covering her mouth and feeling her face heat up when she realizes what she said. "Oh my god. I didn't mean it like that. I meant... I mean, you have a house. Why are you cooking us food here?"

Wanda chuckles, grabbing blueberries, milk, and eggs out of the fridge, "Believe it or not, but a vacant house doesn't exactly have stuff in the cupboards. And I'm capable of a lot, but it turns out making food appear is a lot harder than it seems."

"You two are going to need a car," Laura chimes in and Wanda nods in agreement.

"Natasha knows I hate motorcycles, so I really hope she planned some kind of work-around," she says, moving some of the ingredients around with her magic and grabbing a bowl out of the cupboard.

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