at least i did one thing right

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the penultimate chapter - oh boy

Wanda walks back into the house, humming softly to herself as she puts her serving of the cookies she and Laura baked on the counter.

She turns around, looking into the living room and seeing the TV on and playing an old episode of Modern Family. That's not one of the shows that Natasha turns on often, so Wanda's not surprised when it switches to commercial. It was probably just on and that's what Natasha settled on.

When she moves a little closer, she sees Natasha on the couch, face half pressed into the pillow and body wrapped in a loose knit blanket. Whatever happened between her and Yelena must've tired her out.

Wanda carefully walks around the couch, crouching down in front of her and slowly reaching a hand up to rub her arm.

"Hey, Tasha," she whispers, smiling softly when Natasha scrunches her face, obviously trying to ignore Wanda. "Dorogoy, you need to wake up. Bucky and Sam are here already."

"Sleeping," Natasha turns her head so her face is barely visible anymore.

"I'll lay on you if you don't get up," Wanda warns her, giggling when Natasha groans loudly.

"Wanda, 'm comfy," Natasha whines, immediately muttering out curses when Wanda moves to fulfill her promise, "No, don't. You know I hate when you do that."

"Says the woman that lays on top of me half the night to sleep," Wanda says, moving her legs so she can sit down on the couch, "You can really be hypocritical sometimes, you know."

"Don't care," Natasha retorts, not moving from her spot on the couch and pulling her blanket tighter around herself, "I'm sleeping. "

"Oh I didn't know that you're a sleep conversationalist," Wanda responds sarcastically, reaching over and gently tracing circles on Natasha's thigh, "damn, and to think we were going to have sex tonight."

That seems to get Natasha's attention because she stiffens a little bit before moving her head ever-so-slightly, green eyes tracking every movement of Wanda's face and body.

"Does that interest you?" Wanda asks, a little smile on her face.

Natasha looks away again, eyes trained on the TV now, "Shut up."

"Mhm," Wanda nods, standing from the couch and moving back to where she was in front of Natasha, "Nat, come on. I'm gonna have to get Clint if you don't get up soon."

"No," Natasha whines, squeezing her eyes shut dramatically and pulling the blanket over her shoulders.

"You're acting like a five-year-old," Wanda chastises, pressing her lips into a line as she thinks. She needs to get Natasha off of this couch, dressed, and out to the field where they're having their little Fourth of July reunion party thing.

"Sex is still on the table for another..." Wanda makes a show of checking her invisible watch, "two minutes. Make your decision."

Wanda can hear the fraying edges of Natasha's inner turmoil and it's admittedly amusing, but she doesn't acknowledge it, instead opting to just wait patiently. She really hopes Natasha makes the easy decision seeing as the boys are only here for today and tomorrow and so that she doesn't have to go to bed alone (if Natasha goes to bed late, then Wanda will go to bed late because she can't fall asleep without her human teddy bear and she sometimes doesn't understand why things had to play out this way).

"I hate you," Natasha mumbles, glaring up at Wanda.

"I know," Wanda responds, reaching a hand out to help her up off the couch.

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