Chapter 5

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I opened my eyes and found myself in a dimly lit room. there was something could on my wrists I turned my head and saw chains. I struggled against the chains trying to get free.
there was a loud bang and shouting coming from outside all of a sudden. then the door opened I didn't move a muscle then I felt a sharp pain in my arm I opened my eyes and saw icy blue eyes staring down at me I tried to speak but I couldn't move my tounge or jaw. I then tried to wiggle my fingers they didn't move. my heart started thumping as I realized I couldn't move any of my limbs. I felt the chains being undone and then there was a breeze and the person was gone I was left alone in a room unable to move.

there was banging on a door and I heard a voice shout "That's it I'M kicking it down!"

there was a crack and splinters of wood flew everywhere. a person trudged into the room and murmured into some sort of device "there's something in here I can feel it." then I thought to my self why can't he see me I'M right in the middle of the room!
The guy grabbed something off the ground a few meters away from me. then I heard something. something or someone was running towards the room.
"Alexis!" I heard my name being yelled the man turned towards the sound and walked out the door to meet whoever it was.
"Oh look a vampire without his coven " the man said.
"look I don't want trouble pixie I'M looking for someone."
"let me guess your soul mate."
there was silence for a few moments then the man said "a bit of a touchy subject I'M guessing"
I heard a crack and a thump and then someone once again walked into the room.
"it doesn't make sense I tracked her here" I tried to make a noise but I couldn't move. then I heard a scream it sounded exactly like me. my eyes widened someone or something had just impersonated me.
"Alexis! " the person yelled again and I heared the sound of their heavy footsteps as they ran out the door again.
I heard scream again and the footsteps getting fainter and fainter. I felt a prickling feeling on my back then a burning sensesation it felt like someone was stabbing me over and over the pain was unbearable I blacked out.

I was flying the wind blowing in my hair but then I was falling towards stormy gray water a shadow loomed above me and I screamed I kept on falling and falling. The water rushing towards me. I quenched my eyes shut tightly and then I felt the impact of falling from such a height my bones felt like the were shattering in a few seconds I was soaked the cold icy water making my body numb. I tried swimming using all my strength but the current was to strong my lungs we're brusting from lack of oxygen. I tried swimming to the surface but I just kept on getting pushed down. I then relised this is it there's no escaping death. I gave up I was a goner. I let my breath go and water filled my lungs. I was gone. Dead.

Kyles POV

I saw Alexis running towards the forest I made to run after her but I was stopped in my tracks by a growl sounding behind me. I turned around and saw a rouge werewolf I snarled showing him my pointed fangs. He growled again and pounced I ran and fliped the werewolf I snapped his neck in one swift motion. I looked around and saw rouges attacking all the other pack members I looked towards the forest but there was no sign of Alexis.
"Shit " I cussed as I ran towards forest .
I leaped over the logs and ducked under vines and low hanging branches.

The suddenly I was hit by a force an unseen force but it was powerful. I knew what this was and it wasn't good news.
"Dammit! " I had to tell Dylan about this but I didn't have a mindlink with him or the pack. I had a choice to make either go find Dylan and tell him or go after Alexis. I glanced in the direction Alexis went and sighed there is clearly only one right choice.

I tried going through the force again but I just got thrown to the damp musty forest floor.
"One last time" I muttered to myself I flung myself at the force and I went through. I knew what this meant Alexis is no longer here probably no longer on this planet. I let a string of cusses out.

I walked around trying to get any clues of where the portal was made. Was it even a portal? Then I heard screams very faint screams my head snapped around to where the noise was coming from. I took off without telling anyone about I don't know Why but for some reason I knew I had to save Alexis. I silently vowed that I will find her and save her or die trying.

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