Siblings or foe

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Days after what Izumi witness and heard about what her parents did she felt terrible for what has happen to Izuku she understands that if she ever see Izuku which she doesn't know where he's at. All she felt like she could just go ahead and die she hasn't ate or drank water within those days and she feels like she gonna pass out as she was mindlessly walking she felt in front of Izuku who just looked at her and picked her up and took her back to the wall. He thought of killing her but then he saw the vision of momo and saw that if it was her would he do it but he didn't.

Izuku:(why couldn't I kill her she betrayed me and left me to die)


Izumi:*mindlessly walking* need food need water *collapsed in front of Izuku*

Izuku:(good I can start with her)

As Izuku picked her up when he blinked he saw momo in his hand.

Izuku:*quickly let's go*(why the fuck I can't kill her I saw a vision of my wife not Izumi) *drops to his lnees* (why did my vision fuck me over you know this wasn't momo but you showed me is it a way for you to tell me that she has been fucked over by those idiots we both call parents)

As Izuku decided to take her back to the wall he bring her to the infirmary where momo followed and questioned him why.

Momo: baby why did you bring this tramp here over the wall she could be a spy for those bastards.

Izuku: I know I tried to kill her.

Momo: "tried" what do you mean by tried Izuku she is in the palm of your hands.

Izuku: I had a vision of you I couldn't bring myself to do it how would you feel if you wanted to do that and you saw me in your vision.

Momo: ok I'm sorry Izu for my outburst if you put it like that then I see that reason of you not killing her but I don't trust her not one bit.

Izuku: I'm not asking you to keep our twins away from her ok.

Izumi pov

As I was laying there I didn't know where I as at when I lost myself in my mind if felt something grab me and I was ready for my life to be ended but I was let go and was carried and when I got to a sudden place I heard a women voice that sounded mad for what her lover did and he told her he answer and she apologized for it and I heard take their twins away from me but why me what did I do to them. Later that day I woke up and looked around and saw no one and I saw a person who looked like Yaoyurzu but a lot older then her.

Momo: I see that your up

Izumi: yea but where am I and how did I get here?

Momo: your beyond the wall of the government.

Izumi: beyond the wall of the government?

Momo:yes do you remember anything that happen to you before you mindlessly walked around near the government.

Izumi: all I remember before that is *wide eyed* THOSE BASTARDS HOW DARE THEY

As Izumi was about to run out but fell when she stepped on her left foot.

Izumi: the fuck

Momo: your left foot was broken in the process of you walking mindlessly we don't know how you did that's why I asked you that question.

Izumi: oh and like an idiot I got up fast and stepped on it but can I ask you something?

Momo: what?

Izumi: are you momo?

Momo: yes I am I know I look different from 4 years ago I still despise yap for what you did to my husband.

Izumi: husband wait you mean Izuku?


Izumi was crying because what momo said was true but she realized that she had nothing to do with Izuku being kidnapped and killed.

Momo: what the fuck are you crying for?

Izumi: because Izuku was taken from you and it's sad to think that he's dead.

Momo: he's not

Izumi: huh

Momo: he's not dead of it wasn't for him you would've died you've been here for a week unconsciousness.

Izumi: oh I didn't know that at all.

Momo: of course you didn't we will be bringing you food and water alright.

Izumi: alright

As momo left to get them Izumi felt like she was in prison but she couldn't complain and bit of the couple came in and she looked to see what they gotten her.

Izuku: I need you to tell me everything you know about those bastards over the years.

Izumi: if I have to be honest during these 4 years I wasn't in on what they were doing but I've been seeing that fake hero's are not even caring about the people of Japan anymore.

Izuku: what about them?

Izumi: them?

Izuku: you know who I mean.

Izumi:*realizes* oh fake as ever I've leaned the truth behind why they did that to you.

Izuku: enlighten me.

Izumi told them about what has happened and where she has ended up and it gotten couple madder then what they was before.

Izuku: you will be watched closely one false move we will cut you down understood

Izumi: cyrstal clear.

As days goes by Izumi left foot became stable and she saw izumomo twins and she shed tears and the couple knows why as well. Izumi did well with the twins and it's been months since Izumi gained their trust back and what both of Izumi and Izuku know is that momo is pregnant again. It was the day of their wedding. So far Izumi is with momo getting her ready.

Izumi: I'm glad I am able to be your bridesmaid.

Momo: I know I'm glad your able to gain my trust.

Izumi: I can't blame you well it's time to get you to the chapel.

As Izumi took momo to the chapel the pastor had wedded them and both said I do and they were all one big family (one happy family)

Momo: Izuku I love you.

Izuku: I love you too.

Twins: what about us?

Izumomo: we love you 2 as well don't worry we haven't forgot about you.

That's the end of this chapter till next time izumomo lover out

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