Chapter Fifteen

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The house looked worse than he remembered. Half of the roof was gone, the windows were broken, and there was a bad odor coming from inside. He had to mentally prepare himself to actually go in there. He closed his eyes and tried to imagine the house wasn't as dilapidated as it looked. And push back the fear that the roof would just collapse on him as soon as he stepped inside.

"What are you doing?" He opened his eyes. Sera was standing at the door, an amused smile on her face.

"I don't really want to go in there..." (Y/N) answered truthfully. Why couldn't he just trust that Sera did everything right? Plus, it was his own cousins! They've been doing this for six years. They would know if things weren't right.

Sera giggled. "Oh my gosh, I know!" She looked at house, noticing some rotted wood. "How long you think this place has been abandoned for?"

"Maybe it isn't..." (Y/N) said, in as eery a voice as he could muster.

Sera rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah." She paused. "Did you come all this way to see me?"



The two laughed. "No, Chris told me to check that everything was good."

Sera nodded. "Yup. Got them chained up." She pulled out a little key from her pocket. "They gave me the key."

"Nice. Can I say goodbye to th-"

"Sorry, no!"

"Uh... Why not?"

"Caleb told me not to let you in... I don't know why," She shrugged. "I figured it was that fight you guys had."

(Y/N) sighed. "Probably... It was six years ago... I don't even really remember what I even said!" It was a lie. He remembered every word. He regretted it deeply.

Sera had a sympathetic look on her face. "I'm sorry... Really, I am. But he told me not to..."

(Y/N) nodded. "It's okay, I get it. I gotta check on my uncle, anyways." He turned to leave. "See you later?"

She grinned. "If I'm alive, you mean!"

He rolled his eyes. "Not funny!"


It was a long walk to the house. He didn't see his uncle's car and got worried. He didn't really want to see his family, though. So, he waited on the steps of the house.

A few minutes passed. Finally, Chris pulled up to the house. When he got out of the car, his face was full of worry.

(Y/N) stood up. "What's wrong?" He asked.

Chris threw his hands in the air. "The fucking car broke down!"

(Y/N)'s heart dropped. "What? What do you mean?"

Chris was angry. (Y/N) could see it in his face, though Chris was trying to control it. "It won't start! I looked at the engine, it seemed fine, but.... fuck!"

(Y/N) had never seen his uncle like this. It was very concerning. It was more concerning, though, that the car broke down. "What about the counselors?"

Chris sighed heavily. "They're stuck here."


"I know... I know, but I told them to stay in the lodge."

"W-Will they listen to you?"

Chris shrugged. "I don't know!" He took a deep breath. "Listen, kid, I gotta get inside. I need you to watch out for them. Head back to lodge and make sure they stay there." Chris threw his keys to the camp to (Y/N). He turned, quickly getting inside the house.

"Okay!" (Y/N) answered. His mind was full of worry. What if... No, they were all hunting him. If Silas was still out there, his family would find him first.


(Y/N) was back at the lodge. It took a while. He was hurrying, his leg starting to hurt. He swallowed a pill, hoping that the pain would stop soon. He didn't want to take too many, though.

He hurried inside. "Hello?" He called out. There was no answer. "Hello!?" He yelled, his worry growing. He started looking around the rooms, trying to find someone. There was no one downstairs, so he went up.

He opened every door. He stopped at his uncle's, thinking. There was no way they would have gone in here... Would they? He could see light coming from the bottom of the door. Did Chris forget to turn it off? He unlocked the door and stepped inside.

He also saw a light to the door that lead to Chris's room. Confused, he unlocked that door as well. His eyes widened when he saw that the secret door was open. "No, no, no!" He whispered, running inside. Nothing seemed to be out of place. Though, he could see his grandpa and uncle walking down a trail. He cursed to himself, praying that whoever broke in here didn't see them. Or that maybe Chris just forgot to close it...

He left the room and locked the door behind him. Whoever was here was gone. Where did they go? He left as quickly as he could, looking around. It was getting darker. He didn't need them to be in the lodge. He just needed to know they were okay.

All of the sudden, he heard a loud bang. It was a gunshot. He felt his stomach drop. Was that his father? His grandpa? He ran to where he heard the noise. He heard another shot. And another. It kept getting louder and louder.

He finally saw what was going on. It was Kaitlyn, Jacob, and Nick. It looked like a shooting range. Nick had the gun and was shooting watermelons and bottles. (Y/N) let out a sigh of relief. So that's what it was!

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Kaitlyn spotted him. "I thought you left?"

(Y/N) smiled softly. "I could say the same to you guys."

"Our car broke down," Nick responded.

"And we're having a party!" Jacob grinned, putting his hand up to Kaitlyn for a high five. She just rolled her eyes at him and he put his arm down.

"A... party? Where?" (Y/N) asked.

"Down at the firepit," Nick told him.

"You're welcome to join us. I'm sure Dylan would be happy to see you," Kaitlyn teased.

"Plus we got booze! And watermelons! And peanut butter butterpops!"

"Which are mine, by the way," Nick butted in.

Kaitlyn sighed. "These two are actually shooting for them. Can you believe it? Who wants some 20 year old candy?"

This caused a squabble between the friends. (Y/N) wasn't listening, though. He was thinking. If he went, he could make sure the friends were okay, right? Plus, he would get to see Dylan... That was a very nice bonus.

"Alright, alright, can you guys shut up for two seconds? (Y/N), you coming?" Kaitlyn asked him.

(Y/N) nodded. "Yeah, sure. I'll come."

"Awesome, man," Nick said.

"In the meantime... you can watch me smoke Nick in this competition." Jacob winked playfully.

"Ugh..." Kaitlyn rolled her eyes again and (Y/N) laughed softly.

Full Moon - Dylan Lenivy x M!Reader [The Quarry]Where stories live. Discover now