Chapter Ten

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(Y/N) and his father walked into the police station. Immediately, Travis knew something was wrong. The door leading to the jail cell was open and the bathroom light was on. He sighed, thinking that Laura had escaped.

"Was that on when we left...?" (Y/N) asked, eyes locked on the bathroom.

Travis shook his head. "No." He walked to the cells and (Y/N) didn't know what else to do but follow him. He set the gun down on a desk before walking in, just in case Laura was still there and tried to take it from him.

When they walked in, they saw Laura. She was in her cell, sitting on the bed. She had her head down. (Y/N) had seen a trail of blood on the floor and assumed the worst, but she was alive.

Travis stopped in front of her cell. "So, how did it go?"

Laura looked up and they could see what happened. Her face... (Y/N) felt his stomach drop. Laura didn't say anything, then looked over at (Y/N). She didn't expect to see anyone other than Travis. "Whose this?"

"I'm (Y/N)," He answered, interrupting his father. The door was shut, but it was unlocked. He thought about opening it, but didn't. Just in case she was angry and wanted to take it out on something. He kept his distance. "Travis' son."

She nodded. "Do you know what's going on?"

(Y/N) had a look of guilt come onto his face. Laura saw it. What did he know, she wondered. "Yeah... How did that..." He pointed to his face. "Happen?"

Laura motioned her head to the direction where Max's cell was. (Y/N) looked over and saw a chair and broken handcuffs. That's where the blood trail started. "What the..." (Y/N) whispered. What had his father done to her? Travis grabbed his keys, locking Laura in the cell. (Y/N) walked over, seeing what was going on with the chair and handcuffs.

"Wait, (Y/N), don't!" His father yelled, realizing his son was walking over there.

(Y/N) froze, his father's yell scaring the crap out of him. "What...?" He asked, slowly turning to look into Max's cell. He barely had time to look before he saw the werewolf lunge at him, sinking his claws into one of (Y/N)'s legs.

(Y/N) yelped, falling to the floor. Travis cursed to himself, running out of the room to go grab the shotgun. The werewolf's claws dragged down (Y/N)'s left leg, starting right below his knee and stopping about an inch up from his foot. It was deep and blood squirted out, pooling on the ground. The beast was trying to get him in the cell but it wasn't working. Laura was shouting something, but (Y/N) couldn't make out a word of it.

The werewolf withdrew his hand, giving (Y/N) a chance to quickly scoot himself against the wall, as far from the beast as he could be. He breathed heavily, eyes wide as the beast ran back to the corner of the cell, realizing it couldn't get its prey. Travis ran back into the room, pointing the shotgun at the werewolf.

"No!" Laura yelled, reaching her arms out to try and grab Travis, but to no avail.

(Y/N)'s mind was fuzzy. "S-Stop, dad," He said as loud as he could. He knew that the werewolf was Max. He couldn't control it and he didn't deserve to die over it. His father stopped, realizing his son hadn't been pulled into the cell. He kneeled down next to him, examining the wound.

"Did he bite you?" Travis asked, slinging the shotgun over his shoulder. (Y/N) didn't answer, his vision going black. He grabbed (Y/N)'s shoulder and shook him. "Did he bite you? (Y/N), answer me!"

"N... No..." (Y/N) whispered. He still was processing exactly what just happened. One second he was fine, and now he was feeling pain he didn't think possible.

Travis was worried. Not only that, but he looked worried. (Y/N) was a little surprised. Was it that bad? Travis hooked his hands under his son's armpits and dragged him out of danger. He passed by Laura and she could see how bad it was. "Let me help!"

Full Moon - Dylan Lenivy x M!Reader [The Quarry]Where stories live. Discover now