Chapter 10: The Future

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The sun shined brightly in Pallet town with a gentle breeze giving the morning a pleasant feeling. The relatively small town now garnered unusually significant attention as several dozen notable individuals from every region gathered around an open field near Professor Oak's lab.

There, Bonnie, Chloe, Dawn, May, and Lillie acted like army drill instructors as they directed the setup of various chairs, tables, and a decorative arch.

"No! Are you crazy!!!!!?" Lillie scolded Gladion and Max when they set a decorative piece down.

"What's wrong?" Max asked, earning a nearly feral expression from Gladion's sister.

"Have you lost your mind!!!?" She quickly grabbed the piece and moved it slightly to the left.

"Go, help Cilian!!" She screamed at Max, who quickly ran off, looking terrified.

Cilian and Brock looked quite proud of the spread they'd prepared for the various guests, human and Pokemon alike.

"Alright, everything is perfect! Simply perfect!" Cilian declared before he noticed Max running towards them, trying to get away from Lillie.

"She's crazy!" Max yelped.

"Hey! Watch yourself!!!" Koko growled as he and Zarude hung decorations in the treetops. Despite how uncomfortable he looked, Koko had donned a white suit like the other men in attendance. His Zarude father might've laughed at this, but he looked just as weary wearing a custom suit Lillie had made just for him.

"I still can't believe Ash is actually getting married. For the longest time, I was afraid he'd never get around to finding his true love!" Brock muttered with tears in his eyes.

"He didn't find her. She found him." Bonnie giggled as she came by with the others from Kalos.

"I will say they could've picked a better spot. I know of at least a dozen places in Alola that could've worked better." Lillie sighed.

"Definitely, and twice as many in Kalos." Bonnie added as she looked over the setup again.

"They wanted to get married here. I think that's what's most important." May said though they could tell she too wished they'd picked somewhere else.

"I just hope no one challenges him to a battle during the ceremony. Knowing Ash, he'll stop in the middle of his vows and accept." Dawn muttered, earning wary sweatdrops from most of his companions and their Pokemon.

"That's not going to happen!!" Misty roared as she came over wearing an earpiece with a clipboard in hand.

"I have everything planned out down to precise details! If anyone tries to interrupt my program, they'll be sorry, and that includes Ash." Misty made several tremble, but Lillie and the other planners nodded vehemently.

"Alright, this way please." Rudy said as he led Ritchie, Leon, and a few locals into the area.

"Ok, I've just checked in the new Kanto Champion, Drake of the Orange island, and Kalos Elite Four member Korrina." Brendan added as he approached Misty.

"Perfect, that's everyone on the list! Anyone else who shows up is probably going to be a nosey reporter!!!" Misty growled.

"Don't worry. Just point them out, and we'll get rid of them." Kiawe promised. However, Misty gave a slightly evil smile causing the others to sweatdrop.

"Ohh, you don't have to worry about that, Kiawe. I already have a security team on the job. Plus, I brought in an old friend to provide a little extra security." Misty giggled.

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