Chapter 4: Road to the Kaiser

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"Absol, use Mega Horn!!!"

"Blastoise, Iron Defense!!" A Mega evolved Absol dashed across the Indigo Stadium's battlefield so fast he almost appeared to fly with his wing-shaped manes and came straight for a Mega Blastoise.

Mega Blastoise's smile widened into utter confidence, and he covered himself in a layer of steel.

"Sol!!!" Mega Absol stabbed his horn into Mega Blastoise multiple times, but the steel coated water pokemon knocked each blow aside with his now iron arms. After another failed attempt, Mega Absol felt Mega Blastoise seize his horn in a fierce grip.


"Oh no!"

"Now, Hydro Pump!!!"

"Blastoise!!!" Mega Blastoise threw Mega Absol up and unleashed an artillery barrage of water into his opponent.

"Absol!!!" The dark Pokemon landed in front of his trainer, reverted to normal form, and unconscious.

"Absol is unable to battle!!" The ref announced while raising one of her flags.

"That settles it, ladies and gentlemen, a knockout blow to Kalos Battle Mansion Chatelaine Astrid by your Kanto Champion, Gary Oak!!!"

The crowd erupted into applause as Gary joined his Mega Blastoise to raise their fists.

"And that's how it's done!"

"Blastoise!!!" Back in the audience, a young woman, Gary's age, with long brown hair and matching eyes, sat near the front row. Leaf sighed and shook her head a little but still smiled warmly and applauded Gary with the others.

Astrid took a deep breath and returned her Absol.

"We did everything we could." The blonde Kalos trainer saw Gary extend his hand, and she begrudgingly shook it.

"Looks like you're as strong as they say, Gary. Maybe I should've started with a member of your Elite Four."

"My Elite Four are top tier! Don't even try to sell them short!" Gary half-laughed, half boasted.

That's right!" Misty shouted while sitting with Koga, Morty, and Jasmine, who all gave varying reactions, though each clearly agreed with Gary's statement regarding them.

"Nowhere's better than Kanto! I dedicate my win here to my home region and everyone here!" Gary's words enticed the crowd that much more, but the Kanto Champion looked back at Leaf in particular and winked, causing her to blush uncontrollably.

"Eevee." Leaf's Eevee giggled.

"Mr. Oak, I can take Blastoise for you." A Nurse Joy said as she approached him with a mobile healing kit, surprisingly him a little.

"Thanks, but he wasn't hurt in the battle. This could've waited." Gary said while returning Blastoise and handing him off to Nurse Joy.

"Well, we thought you might want to use Blastoise again in your next battle." This caught Gary slightly off-guard.

"Another one? I thought Astrid was my final battle for the day."

"There was a last-minute entry pushed through. There, all better." Nurse Joy handed Blastoise's pokeball back.

"Who pushed them through?"

"Daniel Rian."

Gary's heart raced.

"Daniel Rian wants to battle me?"

"No, he merely insisted that this contender gets to battle you."

Gary smiled again.

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