SCP 10009

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I'm pretty good at drawing metal objects

SCP 10009, also known as the "Informational orb"  is a circular machinery that is persumably from another planet (as it fell from the sky and onto an SCP site)

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SCP 10009, also known as the "Informational orb"  is a circular machinery that is persumably from another planet (as it fell from the sky and onto an SCP site). When turned on (tapping the top of it), it's eyes glow green and it stands up on its sharp legs. If you ask it for information, a projector of some sort comes out of the top of it's body and projects scientific logs dating back to 1959. A person named Stanley Harrison talks about their experiments with technology and life, merging the two together to create an artificial but true soul. Apparently they passed this knowledge onto their best friend, Gustin Bright (not to be confused with the SCP brights). The logs end at log 61, date 1/1/2019. Who or what these people are is still up for debate. As to the bot itself, it is like a tiny butler. If you ask it to make you a sandwich, it makes you a sandwich. If you ask it to play some music, it plays some music. They are put in safe class since they do no actual damage to anything or anyone.

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