#𝟎𝟎𝟏. 𝐕𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒. | affection headcanons.

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𝐙𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐋𝐈, placing a hand on the crown of your head.

He isn't overtly affectionate and struggles with emotions for the most part, especially in terms of romance. Although he tries his best, it's not something that comes to him naturally, so he's oftentimes at a loss as to what he's supposed to do with the feelings you well up inside of him. Zhongli is a systematic person, someone who thinks analytically... But that's not always easy to do when dealing with emotions and the things/actions that drive them. All he really knows is that he loves you, and he loves the way your eyes draw up to meet his own, glinting softly with all the things you wish you could put into words for him as he places the flat of his large hand against the crown of your head. It's not to infantilize you by any means, —it's just the only way he can think to express himself. His palm is always so warm, and the heat sinks in like a drug... You can't say you mind.


𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐄, holding you in your sleep.

He's easy to fluster, as temperamental as they come, and he rarely, if ever, expresses himself verbally. Of course, you knew all of that (and more,) when you got involved with him, and it just so happens that you see past it... somehow. Even so, while he might not express his feelings for you in directly romantic fashions, giving you flowers every chance he gets or kissing you at every turn, —he still shows where his heart lies, especially when you're both at your most vulnerable. With sleepy eyes barely clinging to consciousness, he turns to his side and adjusts the blanket you share. You move closer, heart swelling, and he can't help but smile softly, letting you tangle your legs between his and snuggle your face into his chest. His hand finds its way to your side, curving to match the divot. Sometimes, he even takes it upon himself to pet your hair gently, soothing you to sleep.


𝐀𝐋𝐁𝐄𝐃𝐎, holding hands.

He's a simple man to please, all things considered. Although he works hard in academics and is always striving to extend his knowledge, reach, and capabilities with his alchemy, he has all the room in the world for you in his heart. He's a bit shy, (and it's incredibly charming, might you add,) but it's impossible to ignore the ways he tries to show you his true feelings through actions when words all but fail him. Nothing is a shiner example of this than the way he holds your hand, —lacing your fingers together as if that's how he's always felt it should be. He doesn't know how to say it without sounding overzealous, but if he could, he'd tell you that he wants to hold your hand until the creases of your skin are burned into his muscle memory, —until the spaces between your fingers meld together like spring into summer, until the lines of your palm write letters to him in tiny rivers that run straight from your beating heart.


𝐃𝐈𝐋𝐔𝐂, hugs.

He's undemanding. Diluc doesn't need much at all, —and when he loves, it's akin to the sun; constant, sometimes so much so that it might even slip your mind. He's not the most physical person, due to nothing more than the fact that it just isn't in his nature. It also doesn't suit his demeanor. But despite that, he loves it when life slows down a bit and you come to him with a tired expression, just looking to recharge yourself. He complies; easily, and dare he acknowledge, —happily. He holds you close, not tightly, but with more than enough pressure to let you know that he cares just as much as you do, allowing you to bury your face in the crook of his neck as his arms loop around your shoulders, chin resting softly on the crown of your head. He breathes a little slower as you sink into him, and if you're lucky, he might just place a soft kiss to your temple.


𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄, deep kisses.

He's a more overt lover, someone that likes a subtle push and pull, enjoys a sliver of the chase when his partner plays coy or hard to get. Childe likes the prolonged lead up to a deep kiss, flashing a smirk that melts your heart before pulling you in for the kill. He's charming, and undeniably so, —he enjoys watching you squirm, watching you falter, waver in shyness before loving you down like the sun is dying. He likes pulling you in, large hand splayed across the back of your neck, the other stationed at your hip. He likes the feeling of your heart throbbing against his chest when he pulls you so close that every twitch of every muscle can be felt against him. And when he captures your lips in his, soft and sweet, he loves the way you close your eyes and let his taste envelope every last one of your senses. Like blooming rose petals carried along the wind, melding into a mess of passion. You're positive you've never felt anywhere near as good as this, and you hope Childe feels the same. (Funnily enough, he does, and he hopes the same of you in return.)

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