#𝟎𝟎𝟐. 𝐕𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒. | birthday headcanons.

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𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐍𝐆, ━ is as extravagant a gift giver as she is a general presence. Although you tell her you don't need expensive, material things, she insists to you that she wants to shower you in all the glorious things the world has to offer... You conclude that, perhaps, gift giving is just part of her love language, and you don't have the heart to deny her that. Besides, it is your birthday, after all, —a day where you can feel a bit freer to indulge yourself in life's more luxurious pleasures.

As expected, Ningguang does not hold back. By morning, she has you draped in the finest silks Teyvat has to offer, and the golden fabric lays gently against your skin like early daylight dewdrops clinging to brilliant blades of grass. You feel like nothing short of royalty. Throughout the day, she presents you with a number of lavish gifts, from a beautiful crystal pendant that glimmers in the sunlight, to a beautiful bouquet of glaze lilies that unfurl in all their glory as the two of you board a ship for a lovely dining experience on the vast, open sea as the sun sets behind the horizon. Sanguine oranges and blushing pinks burn through the sky as Ningguang treats you to a delicious feast of golden crab, sautéed matsutake, rice buns, and apple cider. You're thankful for it all, more than you'll ever be able to express in simple words alone, but as you clink your glass against hers, you can't help but to think that you feel lucky not because of the glamorous gifts, the stunning scenery, nor the scrumptious food... Rather, you feel lucky because she's done all of this for you out of the kindness of her heart, as a way to show you that she cares.


𝐙𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐋𝐈, ━ doesn't get birthdays, if he's to be honest about it. The concept is strange to him, —but he chooses to push the oddness of it all to the back of his mind in lieu of celebrating with you, as he can see how important it is to you. He doesn't need to understand it, just as long as his actions on that special day can make you smile, that's good enough for him. He takes you to the Quince Village in the late evening, which may seem a strange choice at first, but you trust in his judgement more than enough to go along, no protesting, no questions asked. And when you see the shining lanterns illuminated in the setting darkness, you can't help but grin. (Of course, the stomach tingling sight of crystal shrimp and almond tofu certainly don't make for a moment crusher either, but the food is secondary to the setup, to the scenery, and to Zhongli's velvet touch.)

The two of you sit amongst the orange and yellow wildflowers that bristle in the gentle breeze, breathing in fresh air that's thick with the scent of what you can only describe as freedom. Zhongli asks you about other birthdays you've celebrated in the past, —about your family, dreams and worries, deepest desires and darkest fears, and he listens as you speak, hanging on every word that falls from your lips. He's entranced by you, —by everything you are, everything you aren't, and everything you're yet to be. Under glittering stars, he gives to you a finely scented fragrance concocted from silk and sweet flowers. It's both floral and sugary, with a balance between the two. You dab a bit onto your inner wrists and breathe it in deeply... It's absolutely lovely.


𝐉𝐄𝐀𝐍, ━ is busy, incredibly so, and you understand that. You're thankful for the brief morning moment you have together on the morning of your birthday, —she brings you a lovely breakfast of pancakes, which you happily accept, she acknowledges the day, wishes you nothing but luck and happiness, but is on her way far too quickly for your liking. You don't complain, though. It's just how she is, and you knew that from the start. Changing her wouldn't be fair, it wouldn't be right, and in the end, it would probably be impossible anyhow. She loves what she does, (maybe just a little too much,) and you refuse to stand in the way of that. Jean's thankful for that in ways she'll never know how to express. Words haven't always been her strong suit.

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