Chapter 8

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"Big news sprouts!" Midnight perked being more excited than ever, "In the next two weeks we'll be having our annual U.A. Sports Festival!!!! And the host will be yours truly."

"...." The class gave a far less excited response than what she had expected.

"A sports festival? That's so boring, " a classmate exclaimed, "I thought U.A. would have a huge battlefield where we fight to the death!"

"Uh, that's an interesting idea but that's not the point of the festival, " Midnight commented, "This is a chance to show off your quirks and most importantly, have fun!"

*scoff* What fun? This is just to promote the hero course kids.

You didn't have to even try and figure out who said that - the same thing was going through practically everyone's head at the moment... Even Shinso.



"Hey, Shinso, " you tried to talk to him as you followed him to a crowd of students.

What's all this? What's going on?

You later took notice that everyone was crowded at class 1-A and somehow Shinso seemed like he was apart of it.

"Hey- Shinso!" you tried to catch up as you cut through the crowd.

"So this is THE class 1-A huh."

"They survived the villain attack."

"They don't look that flashy."

You heard collectively from the students around you.

Villain attack? What is Shinso up to?

"Move aside Extras!" you heard a familiar hoarse voice.

Is that Spikey hair?

"It's true we came to get a look, but you sure are modest," the purple-head you've been chasing after spoke up as he revealed himself from the crowd, "Are all the kids in the hero course as cocky as you?"

Shinso - what is he doing???

"Gotta say, I'm a little disillusioned if this is what you're offering, " Shinso continued, " Those of us who didn't make the hero course are stuck in general studies and other tracks. There're quite a few of us. Did you know that?"

Is he really going up against Bakugo? :O... that's kinda hot

"Depending on the results of this sports festival...they might consider transferring us to the hero course. I understand the reverse is also possible for you. Scoping out the competition? Ha- for the general studies kids like me, this'll be the perfect chance to knock you off your pedestals. Consider this a declaration of WAR."

Well, that was... something.

To your surprise Bakugo didn't say a word. In fact, he just held his bag and proceeded to cut through the crowd. Halfway through, his eyes met yours. To you they felt like silent lasers, but instead of making anything of it he just scoffed and walked off.

As the crowd dispersed, you tried to get a hold of Shinso. What was that about?

"Shinso wait up!" you called as you spotted him, "What was...THAT!?!" you exaggerated with crazy hand movements.

"I mean it was pretty cool but-"

"Don't you realize what this is?" he said with a serious glare, "This is what Mr. Aizawa was talking about - our big chance. We can't screw this up."

Two Minds Are Better Than One (Shinso Hitoshi x Reader) *Hiatus*Where stories live. Discover now