It takes place back when Obi-Wan is a young padawan and Satine is a new ruler, detailing the very first time they met.
Obi-Wan's P.O.V -
I stepped out of the ship and onto solid ground as quickly and as steadily as I could, without seeming overly zealous, of course. Oh but thank all the lucky stars for the ground beneath my feet this very moment. Flying still affected me terribly and all that time at the Temple had only served to undo any progress I had made. The first time out of the temple in months and it has to be on a mission to a far, far away planet to protect the Duche- OoF!
My legs gave out suddenly as I tripped suddenly. Maybe that flight had affected him more than he had realised? Surely I couldn't have seen right. The way Qui-Gon, the Jedi Council talked about her. A headstrong, independent (though somewhat idealistic) lady with plans on improving the lives of all who lived under her rule. They never mentioned an approximate age but from their description of her as young and trailblazing, he had been imagining, maybe in her late 20's? But no! She had to have been his age.
I scrambled to my feet, cheeks flaring under Qui-Gon's questioning gaze. Clumsiness was uncharacteristic of the young padawan. In defence of the Duchess herself, she did an excellent job over covering up the quaint laugh that had escaped her. My heart fluttered in a strange way. Highly unusual.
We walked over to meet her. Her short, platinum blonde hair was combed back and she wore a large headdress over it. Her dress was simple yet formal, a regal combination of teal, purple and blue. We bowed low and she nodded respectfully in return. Qui-Gon introduced us.
"I am Jedi Master, Qui-Gon Jinn, and this is my Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Care to inform us in more detail of the situation here?"
"Hello there, Master Jinn, Padawan Kenobi," she glanced at us in turn "My head guard will fill you in on the events of the past month."
Had You Said The Word- An Obitine Anthology
DragosteBasically some Obi-Wan x Satine short stories because they are the true OTP ship of Star Wars and they deserved better.