Chapter 4| Ree's happy place

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"6 o'clock, it's Monday morning
Life can strike without a warning
Get up, get out, get on
It's a brand new day

Find a dream and never stop, yeah
You've got your friends to back you up, yeah
You crash and burn
So what?

It's a brand new day
No matter what they say
Just shout until you turn around and blast the past away

It's a brand new day
Yesterday is gone
The game is on
It's time to jump and take a leap of faith

It's a brand new day!"

I might not be just planning to do amazing stuffs before high school but man! That song just seem to click. It's been replaying in my head from the first moment my eyes was hit with the first glance of the morning brightness.

Yayyy!. First day of being the ultimate seniors in school!. We can break the rules!. We can boss around the juniors! [Especially Omar], we can drop subjects we don't want to do! Our skirts can as well as be as short as thongs! Just kidding though!. We literally will rule the school!. And study too!. Yes! Study! Most important! I almost missed it.

My hand reached out for the knob on the grey door of my wardrobe, twisted it and open it subsequently. I could almost explode with bliss from the sight of my brand spanking new school uniform of Cleverly High hanging specially on unique hangers. Everything was just as I had left it the night before, the edggy fancy pleat on the black skirt, the razor sharp whiteness of the white shirt, the coal black perfectly stiff blazer hanging on a different hanger and a long black tie in a knot ready to be fastened.

I sniffed in a long puff of air, making the scanty hair on my body stand to the very tip, my nerves refusing to stay calm because I am so exultantly exultant. I'm sure I couldn't be happier.

Cleverly High is like a-Oh my gosh!. I made a brief pause while undressing, blinking to make sure I wasn't mistaken. My Pyjama bottom was stained!. My period!. Oh geez!. Disgust washed over me, mixed with annoyance, I didn't plan to have a first day of school with a pad jammed in between my legs.

After a while, I was ready to step into the world and have a good day. Having a firm mind to leave Omar behind if he wasn't ready, that boy won't be a dead weight to me this morning.

Feeling appealing in my knee length shirt, white shirt and tie and my blazer, my black socks with double white line on both tips and new black sneaker-everything new- I felt confident and happy, peaceful and calm, I could just picture how perfectly my day would go.

As I hopped down the grey spiral stairs I yelled at the top of my voice so that wherever corner Omar was, he would certainly hear me, "Omar, let's goo!!."

Before I stepped down from the last few steps, I met the sight my mind told me I'd meet. For the last few days, I'd go back to my room and wait it out, but today, I had to get passed them. Lila and her husband, Mr Bolade. I've been avoiding Levi too, looking at him would just remind me of my crushed plans and also he made my heart lep in a way I don't like.

Mr Bolade's back was turned to me, while Lila was facing him and whispering words with a look of worry and hesitation plastered on her face. I could care less.

I took a long sigh, "Good morning."

Mr Bolade's back turned slowly and as his eyes fell on me his face hardened and laced with so much hatred. The look of disgust and disdain appeared on his face, the kind that always made me use to wish I didn't exist, the kind he looks at me with every single time!. But today it was worse, it was like he wished I would drop dead and die on the spot. I was used to this! I'd just wait till he turns around like always, then I'll be off to school.

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