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As soon as Park couple opened the washroom door they met with a horrible sight which they never expected to see.

There on the bathroom floor Taehyung was lying in his own pool of blood ozing out of his wrist. A blade was kept beside his hand,the water was continuasly  flowing from the opened tap.

Jungkook loudly gasped in fear. Jimin hurriedly went inside the washroom and make Tae stand up,who was unconscious on account of huge blood loss. He put Tae's arms around his shoulder and carried him to the bed and placed him on the bed.
"Hubby what will we do now?"asked Koo.
"Relax baby,let me call my Hyung"
Jimin then called his elder brother Park Bogum, who's a doctor by profession.

On the phone 📱

"Hello, Hyung"
"Yes Chim,how are you and Jungkook,is everything okay there?"
"Ab no Hyung,can you please come to our place, it's very urgent"
"Ohh okay okay, I'm coming in few minutes,hold on"
"Thank you Hyung"

Call ended_____

"What did Hyung said hubby?"
"Hyung is coming Baby, don't worry"
"Okie hubby, but I'm really fearing why Taehyung did this, something is wrong with him."
"Hmm you're right. I think he's in depression. Like he also didn't go to university, I'm constantly seeing him at home, he's being so much reserved day by day"
"I just wish he'll be okay"
Hearing this Jimin frowned,why his wife is this much worried for Taehyung? isn't it odd?
"Yeah, I hope so"

After few minutes Bogum arrived at their place and Jimin brought him to Tae's bedroom.Bogum checked on Tae.
Bog,"Chim you're right actually, he's going through Major depression problem, he's not eating properly for a month. His immune system is totally damaged and that's why he thought to attempt suicide. Uhm do you perhaps know anything why he did so? I mean he's your neighbour right?"
Jim,"ab I-I d-don't know Hyung,may be his personal matter"
Bog"ohh then please look after him for a while now,he needs rest and proper eating."
Koo,"Okay Hyung, we'll don't worry"
Bog,"hmm I know Kook, you're an angel that's why(smiling) and how are you btw?"
Koo,"I'm fine Hyung. What about Irene noona and our little Felix?"
Bog,"every one is alright. So I'm leaving guys,see ya later"
Jim,"Okay Hyung take care"

Saying this they bed Bogum good bye and returned to Taehyung's room.
But suddenly Jimin's phone rang.
It's from Rosie's school,her school closed already so her miss called Jimin to pick her up.
"Baby I'm going now, you stay here, I'll bring Rosie from school."
"Hmm, drive safely okay!"
"Yeah baby"
Jimin pecked on Koo's forehead and left the house for school.

After drinking a glass of water from kitchen Jungkook came back to Tae's room who was sleeping till now.

Jungkook sat beside him on the bed close to him and out his soft hands on Tae's fluffy hairs caressing his locks.
He admired Tae's face closely. It's obvious from his eyes and face that the boy isn't a bad fellow. He's not a kind of bad boy type student. He's bright and always bubbly. But his Obsessive love towards Jungkook made him like this today. His skin beacame pale,his body became skinny where bones can be seen,hairs has grown till mid neck,eyes have bags and dark circles.

His handsome face beacame so gloomy and colourless. Still he managed to look so ethreal. Jungkook was staring at him for so long,like an unhealthy amount of time.

Jungkook POV

He looks so lifeless,like the only sources of his survival has gone. Did he love me that much? But it's Wrong, I'm married, I've a child, I can't be with him, never,he have to accept the reality.
I shouldn't be attracted him neither,, right?but God only I know what's happening inside me, what's storm is going on inside my heart.

I've fallen in love with him.

Yes I've fallen in love with him already. I didn't realise it at first,but when after that night Jimin tried to make love with me I stopped him in the middle,like I'm craving for Taehyung's touch, I know it's offensive. He literally raped me,but he did love me, he didn't do that to gain m body,he did that to gain my everything,so that my husband leave me and I can be his.
But still it's wrong,he did wrong. Yet I can't help myself to fall in love with him, I don't know how it did happen,but gradually my feelings towards him beacame stronger. And now his blood is growing inside me. How will he react after knowing this? What will be our future? This child is Taehyung's so I can never make him apart from his baby. But I can't also let Jimin suffer for that,coz I know if he sees Tae everyday his heart will be ripping apart everyday.
Oh God what will I do!

End  Of POV______

Jungkook came out of his trance hearing the bell ringing sound.
He went to the door and opened it revealing his husband along with his daughter.
"Mama I missed Chu"said little Rosie.
"Mama missed you too baby"
"Koo I'm going to fresh up,you feed something Rosie, she's telling she has been hungry"said Jimin.
"Okie hubby,you go freshen up I'll ready the lunch,also Tae need to eat in time otherwise his medicines will be missed"said Jungkook in his unconsious mindset.but it did throw the knife to Jimin's heart. He doesn't know why everytime Jungkook says Tae's name from his mouth his heart feels a pang,he knows his wife will never leave him for anyone,he believes his wife only loves him,no one else, Still his insecurity kills him from inside everyday and night.

Only if he knew........

To Be Continued.......🍁

Borahae lovelies 💜✨

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2022 ⏰

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