My little peach (Wukong)

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You stayed with monkey king you had one side of the house and the other side was monkey king's. It was only like this because like privacy.

In the middle of the night a big crash sound woke you up out of your sleep, you went to the other side of the house to see what happen. Wukong if you break my mugs I mig- . . . . You say Wukong he was sitting in the middle of the room, way are you up so late, and sitting in the middle of the room . . . In the dark. You said in your head you took a deep breath before taking a small step in the room Wukong are . . . are you good I ask but didn't get a answer.

All right then, you walked in front of Wukong. What in the world are you doing in the dark you ask. he looked up at you his eyes were glowing but not his gold yellow color, they were more of a bright orange as he looked away so he doesn't make eye contact with you. Hey Wukong what's wrong you ask in a concerning voice, you seat in front of him, it's mat . . . . . . . . Wukong said something but you didn't hear him, What ??? I ask he looked at you this time. It's Mating Season!! You heard him loud and clear he bared his face in his hands as he ground and moaned.

For some reason you forget about mating season it only last two weeks of Wukong, Wukong asked you to stay away from him at the time, the howl week but it was monday but it does last two or three weeks . . . . But way was he acting like this, I thought it would more . . . . . I don't know more destructive NOT IN THAT WAY but you did here something brake you looked at something shining in the corner of the room. You want to see what it was, nooo this was Wukong favorite mug it was in peaces.

Wukong was still struggling with his self as you were cleaning up the mess a pees of the mug was under a small table, you rold your eyes as you try and grab it.

As you were trying to get the pees you were shaking you're bodem as you were struggling, Wukong say you and snapped, you finely got the pees you got up and as you trend around Wukong was right in front of you, you stumbled on to the table so your chest don't touch his he slammed his hands on the table, making you be blocked in, Can you . . . Help me with this Wukong looked at you with despite eyes you looked at him confused, I now you don't want anything to do with me in this situation but tell the time pass, his chest breath heavy you took a breath Wukong if you needed help you now I'm not willing to say no, as you rambled on.

Wukong wasn't listening to you as he moved is eyes over your body making auto your curves,
As he started mumbling to himself suddenly you were cut of bay Wukong kissing you as it got deep. You pulled away in confession, What are you doing we been over this Sun I don't have feeling's for you and you don't have any for me, before you got pend on the table. Well I think I got some for you Wukong said in a deep growling voice his voice made you het up.

He made his way in between you legs pressing his hunk on your V you monde as you covered your face with your hands he took your hands and move them above your head, You getting shay on me now little peach, he goes in for another kiss as he grind on you, he moved down to your V he took off your pants and panties and went down. You monde lauder and lauder you caved your mouth and squeezed your brest. When Wukong was done he moved back on top of you.

Aawww look at my little peach all heated up now I wonder if you can take me, Wukong moved your hands back above your head as he put the tip of his hunk in you, you mumbled sucking in your gut as he slide it all the way in you rolled your eyes and gaspt, Wukong monde and made his gripe on your hands titer. And he was destroying you until he was done.

Righter: Okay if you're reading this thanks for reading my fanfiction.

ONE SHOTS  (Wukong x Reader) (Macaque x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now