little naughty girl (Macaque)

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Macaque and you were close and wen you told him that you needed some were to stay (because your apartment got destroyed by the DBK) he offered to let you stay with him for the time and you were great full.

As I were staying with macaque you did what ever it took to help take out the trash, making dinner,cleaning, washing clothes, grocery shopping, and more Macaque allows try to help but never took his offer.

Hey Y/N I need to talk to you about something Macaque was fidgeting with his finger's as you sat next to him, What's up, as he explains Necks week is mating season and I wanted you to lock up my door you might here things coming from my room but now matter what don't open it. You understand what might happen and told him that "I will not unlock the door". But as the days past you started thinking what of he leaves from the window or something happens and I don't know about it.

The week came and you and Macaque had dinner together after, the both of you went to his room you two took some of the valuable things auto of his room, and boarded up the window and filled up the room with cover's and pillows, you both set in the middle of the room, sorry about this it's cindy where'd that you have to deal with me in this state, Macaque looked at you you looked in his eyes they were changing from yellow to more of a bright purple, Macaque nodded at you, you got up and before you close the door you blue him a kiss good night and close the door and lock it with a very powerful barer only it can be open from the outside.

A few hours past and there was nothing coming from the room where macaque was, you past bay the room back and forth before you want to bed. It was like this for some days, but it change this night you were making dinner as you song and dance (mostly moving your hips) you didn't notice macaque staring at you, you turn around and jumped at the site of macaque Aaaa . . . Macaque I told you to stop popping up on me. He shook hit hade like he was in a trance, "Well if you don't stop moving your hips like that I might have to do something about it", you finished dinner and eight as Macaque headed in his room will I did the dishes.

When I was finished cleaned it was like a small routine now you want to bad but in the middle of the night a big bang that shook the house you woke you up, "What the" ?? as a nother bang followed you went to wear the ones was coming from macaque room, I stood in front of the door as a nother bang caught you off guard as you almost lost your balinese. I listened to move movement in the room thing hitting the walls and floor, then silent's I moved to the door and put my ear to it nothing tell you heard glass shader.

"THE WINDOW"! As I opened the door to see nothing the window was still boarded up, the were did that glass shader came from you walked in the room as you looked around the room it was a mess the walls had scratch marks on it and the same of the pillows were open leaving stuffing everywhere and covers were ripped in have, as you were examining the room the door slammed shut you jumped and rained to the door as you giggled the handle. "Come on open" but it didn't budge as you try to resist the barrier to open the door a hands slammed on the door next to your head making you jump.

You trend around to see Macaque over you he wasn't wearing a shirt and he was breathing hard and heavy his head was hanging. "Macaque I . . . I don't mean t-" you were cut off my by the monkey, "I told you not to come in . . . . But you did" his voice was more deep you had a lump in your throat making you swallow hard. "I heard glass break and thoug-" "And thought I got auto" he lift his head up making eye contact with you his eyes were glowing that brought purple you say the first night you made your back touch the door. "You remember what I said to you earlier about you moving your hips, I think you can do more. He grabs you and pulled you close to him as he bared his lips on your.

You wanted to fight it first but you gave in, raping your leg around his, he picked you up and put you down on the bed as he pulled down his pants and reviling his bulging hunk as he shivs it in your mouth, after a while he lies you down and take you shorts if and starts slurping up your V, monde calling auto macaques name but he didn't let you come. "I think I found my mate" as Macaque sat down he made you ride as he was about to come he lies you back on your back and made you both come.

Right: This is the second all nighter I pulled for a story and if you made it this far thanks for reading my story.

ONE SHOTS  (Wukong x Reader) (Macaque x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now