·Versos(sin rima)·

17 5 5

Y por ti lloraré,

por los besos que me diste,

prometiéndome volver.


I think that I love you,

or probably I miss you,

but there is something that is sure:

you'll love me for the rest of your life.


I have memories,

memories with you:

our travels, our nights, our dates...

But now, now that is only our past.


You are nice, and also you're pretty.

That's why I think I love you.

So, please, could you hate me?


❤ Seamos realistas, no son peores porque no pueden... JAJAJAJA

Los hice hoy en clase porque me aburría muchísimo, y pues lo hice junto al anterior poema.

Espero que os hayan gustado ❤

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