"Friend" Date

181 10 4

Oheb: Sam can we talk?

Sam: Oh ok tungkol saan ba?

Oheb: Owl is literally everything to me

Sam: Oh yeah alam ko yon

Oheb: But how do we keep our friendship not toxic like i don't want to ruin our friendship because of what happened

Sam: i mean you already apologized to him right?

Oheb: yes but clearly i don't think that's enough

Owl: That was more than enough i'm ok Kiel no need to worry i'll be always here for you and if you don't feel comfortable around me anymore it's ok just tell me

Oheb: No.. no look i'm always happy to be with you having feelings to me doesn't
change the fact that we're friends i used to have a crush on you

Owl: Oh yup I know, ah yes friends

Oheb: Uhm owl look

Owl: Hindi biro lang

Sam: Oh okay kana Kiel ah?

Oheb: Oo

Vee: Oy Kiel arat na stream na tayo

Oheb: Uh ok po wait niyo lang ako

*Fast Forward*

Tori: Oh hadji asan na sila Edward at Kiel?

Hadji: Eh pinaplano ko yung surprise birthday party para Kay momshoe


Hadji: Pag eto tsimis nanaman.

Kevier: Hindi ah, Sabi ni Valorie saken may gusto daw si Sam kay Kiel!

*Vee's POV*

Vee: Shout out kay Solar Tachikawa

Wise: *reads comment* Paps kayo naba uklet ni momshoes?

Vee: Ah kase

Wise: Oo guys

Vee: Wais..

Wise: Uy vee bat ka naka tulala jan?! asan na yung heal ko?

Vee: Sorry na carried away

Wise: Saan sa kagwapuhan ko?

Vee: Pwede

Wise: Legit?

Vee: Hindi
*Fast Forward*
Wise: salamat guys out na kame

*1 Day later*

Valorie: aray pighati ouch kawawa naman si Edward

Owl: Oh?

Oheb: Morning, oh ano ba nangyari?

Valorie: May bago na agad si Kairi

Edward: Sino?!

Valorie: Si Kairi..

Edward: Ah..

Owl: Arat Edward gusto mo uminom?

Edward: Pass ako

Valorie: Edward andon paren yung story mo sa ig

Valorie: Aray pinalitan ka kaagad

Edward: Tumigil na nga kayo di naman kayo nakaka tulong sakin

Valorie: Sige na please wag nang mainis bumalik kana sakin..

Edward: Ha?

Sam: Harurut

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