Chapter 27: Believe Whats Real

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Chapter 27

Believe What's Real
-1 week later-

"August stop!" I whined as he continued to punch my butt while I tried to put some mascara on.

"I'm trainin' bae." He huffed as he kept goin'. I rolled my eyes and just let him be.

"Trainin' for what August?"

"Ta beat the pussy up!" He stated in a duh tone. I slammed my mascara down and started cracking up as he got off his knees and stood behind me.

"Iight imma stop fuckin' witchu and go get dressed." He chuckled before kissing my neck and punching my butt one last time before leaving out the bathroom area.

He's insisted on taking me downtown to go shopping and have lunch since I wasn't going into work until around two, and he didn't have to be at the studio until later. I could really use these few little hours off to relax since I've been so busy with school work and regular work, and taking care of Niy. It's definitely been a lot more challenging than I thought, but I'm trying to manage it without complaining since Aug has his own stuff to focus on.

Mama luckily offered to take Niy yesterday evening so Aug and I have just been cuddled up all last night and this morning. We haven't left the bed until we had to get up and take a shower, but we even did that together. I just love being around him and annoying him. It's going to be shit when he leaves for shows.

"I'm ready Aug and guess who isn't!" I called over my shoulder as I cleaned up my makeup bag, and put it up.

I turned around and Aug was standing against the wall with a smirk on his face. "Who not ready?" He asked.

I laughed and then looked him up and down liking his little outfit. He always seems to look good in red and black.

"Oh shit!" I smiled. "You go boy!"

He squatted down in his little dope boy pose and I started laughing even more.

"You see me bae, you see how yo boy stylin' an shit?"

"I see you daddy, gone head." I cheered. He stood up and started crackin' up makin' me laugh too.

He been silly all damn morning and I've just been goin' along with him, because I love when we can just chill and be goofy with one and other, it really takes away from the thought that he's some celebrity that everyone looks at as this superhuman when he's just as regular and goofy as anyone else.

"Alright you ready to go Mr.Trendsetter?"

"Yup. Let's hit the road." He stated before turning and shutting the lights off in the room and then walking down the stairs with me right behind him.

He grabbed the keys off the hook along with both of our jackets since shockingly warm these last few days, definitely weird for New York weather in March, but I'm not complaining. We got into the car and pulled off out the drive and then down the street.

We would go to the mall, but I rather not be followed around by fans the whole time. I'd rather just hit a couple shops and then go to lunch with as minimal interruptions as possible.

"Meant ta tell you, you look good bae." Aug stated after grabbing my knee to get my attention.

"Thank you baby. You already know you look nice apparently." I chuckled. He nodded biting his lip.

"So what's been up wit' the work at the office?" He asked me after a while. I sat my phone down and smiled over at him.

"It's been really good. I knew we were still booming since I was working from the house, but we've had even more hits since I've been back. It's been great, and I know it'll be even better once I get my official license and degree."

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