Chapter 1

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A year had passed ever since the Illusions came. The species between Imaginary and Illusion are together. They started becoming companions, some now live all over the world, and some often make dreams. That is it was saved by an unlikeable Kirin sister and her brand new friends who had saved the world with love. Now, Yuki and Ame have a bigger family than ever. There was Goo, an active girl who loves to dream of many friends, Cheese, a strange yellow friend created by Louis and four Illusions who had lived in the toy chest once and now live here.

We see our friends playing catch in the park.

"Here it comes, Ed!" Goo called as she passed the ball to Eduardo.

"Catch, Senor Bloo!" Ed replies and passes the ball to Bloo.

"Think fast, Coco!" Bloo chimed as he passed the ball to Coco).

"Coco co co, Co! [Over here, Wilt!]" Coco chirped and passed the ball to Wilt.

"Heads up, Mac!" Wilt called, tossing the ball to Mac, but it flew over his head. It crashed somewhere since he threw it too far. "Sorry, Mac."

"It's okay, Wilt," Mac told the red broken armed friend. "I'll get it."

Mac walks away to go get the ball. He soon spots it. Just as he's about to pick it up, his Terrence steps on it. He is a lot older than Mac, only at least nineteen years old.

"Hello, Mac," he answered menacingly.

Mac runs away screaming in fear. Terrence chases him. Meanwhile, the Gang ang Goo waited for Mac. Then Yuki and her Illusion gang have explored the park. "Isn't this a pretty day," she asked them.

"Of course it is," Springbon chirped, her silly four arms twirl around. "Nothing more than catching bugs, oh and catching birds!"

"Springbon," Al began. "I think birds are more afraid of us."

"Lamp!" Lampy agreed.

"Yuki! Ame!" Goo called out aloud. "I can't believe that you're really here!" She hopped toward the Illusions and started speaking fast. "We were just playing catch until our ball had been flown too far."

"What's taking Mac so long?" Bloo asked, who was becoming impatient..

Mac rushes past them, with Terrence right behind him. Yuki jumped as the others spin right out of control.

"Senor Mac!" Ed gasped.

"Coco! [Mac!]" Coco squawked.

"I'm sorry, but we gotta help him!" Wilt cried.

"Why does he bullies his little brother?" Ame groaned angrily.

The friends rush to Mac's rescue. Mac tries to climb up a tree, but it's no use. He gives up and faces Terrence, his face content with fear as he has nowhere to run.

Terrence chuckles evilly and cracks his knuckles. "Any last words, runt?"

Bloo, Yuki, Ame and Goo move in front of Mac, blocking Terrence. "Leave Mac alone, Terrence, you big jerk!" Goo warned.


"Outta my way!" Terrence yelled.

"No way!" Bloo shouted. "Nobody hurts my best buddy!"

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" Goo protested, before she spoke very fast. "Of course I don't mean us because we're smaller than you. What I mean is someone who's actually your size and bigger than us and Mac. If you picked on someone bigger than you, you'd get beaten up, so you shouldn't do that. But what I'm trying to say is you shouldn't pick on Mac because-"

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