Chapter 4

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After school, Mac was the last one out. He thought about that scientist with the destroying robot. "Okay. This is it," he said determinedly. "I gotta get to Foster's and warn my friends."

"Hello, Mac."

Startled, and with his face filled with fear, Mac slowly turns around to see Terrence standing behind him. "Goin' somewhere?" he asked menacingly.

"Terrence, I'm really not in the mood today," Mac shivered, stepping backwards. "Maybe another time." With a quick turn he sprinted off.

"Get back here, shrimp!" Terrence yelled after him.

"Why'd Terrence have to pick today to pick on me?" Mac thought to himself. He looks back to see that his bullying big brother is catching up to him. He shuts his eyes tightly as he tries to run faster. Terrence grabs him by his backpack and picks him up. "Terrence, you don't understand!" Mac cried. "My friends are in danger!"

"Oh, really? That sounds interesting..." Terrence smirked.

"But it's none of your business! Now, let me go!" Mac cried.

"Oh, don't worry, little bro. I'll let you go... after I give you a knuckle sandwich I made for you."

Terrence prepares to punch Mac. But before he can throw his punch, Mac slips out of his backpack and kicks Terrence in the shin. With that teen distracted, Mac grabs his backpack from Terrence and continues running to Foster's.

"Why, you..!"

Terrence continues chasing Mac. He chases him all the way to Foster's. Mac runs through the front door and past his friends, with Terrence right behind him. They run upstairs.

"Oh, no!" Goo gasped when they saw what was happening.

"Senor Mac es in trouble again!" Ed cried.

"Co coco co co! [He needs help!]" Coco squawked.

"She's right," Bloo agreed. "We gotta help him!"

"Then let's go!" Frankie told the others. Bloo, Wilt, Eduardo, Coco, Frankie and Goo race up the stairs. Springbon, Claylick, Al, Lampy, Yuki and Ame followed after them. "Wait up!" Springbon called.

"Can't you slow down!" Claylick repeated.

Ame stopped when she saw Cheese on her head. He placed him back down and said, "Cheese, get lost. You're not part of this."

Cheese took a deep breath and said, "Okay." Then he walks to the left, opens a door, goes inside and closes it.

Mac continued on running as Terrence continued chasing him, He reached a dead end, with Terrence closing in on him.

"You got nowhere to run now, loser," Terrence glared, chuckling.

Terrence grabs Mac by the front of his shirt and pins him against the wall. He brings his fist back, getting ready to punch him. Mac screamed and covered his eyes. Wilt steps in and swipes Mac away. Terrence ends up punching a hole in the wall. He notices Wilt holding Mac in the air out of his reach. Mac blows a raspberry at his brother. Terrence gets mad and jumps in an attempt to grab Mac. But because Wilt is so tall, he can't reach.

"No fair!"

Eduardo arrives. Terrence is about to stomp on Wilt's foot. "Sorry, Mac. Eduardo, think fast!" Wilt responded and threw Mac.

Eduardo catches Mac. Terrence turns around to face Ed and Mac. Eduardo is scared as Terrence sneers at him. Terrence takes a few steps forward. Eduardo screams and runs. Terrence chases him. Terrence gets closer and reaches out, ready to snatch Mac away "Ed, don't let him get me!" Mac cried.

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