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A Kim Taehyung Oneshot:)

" Can you stop following me?"
" I can . But i won't. First you need to accept my apology."
" Please..i am requesting you here. It's annoying."
" So are you. . . . . . . . I didn't mean it in that way." 
" You're too honest sometimes."
" ...i said i didn't mean it. It just slipped out."
" Now-a-days everything just slips out of your mouth and hand.. real funny thing."
" .....i am sorry."
" You're not."
" I really am. . . .  .
  I won't do it again-"
" I don't really care about that trust me."
" Is that why you're almost on the verge of breaking down¿?"
" You stay in your house. I can't stand you right now. I am going out for a bit.. and don't you dare follow me.
  (Gets back-hugged) Let me go . "
" Then take me with you. "
" Am i really that hard to understand? I said I need time away from you. I am very disturbed right now." ( Yanks his hand away and goes out of the house.)

At night : 11:38 PM

She unlocks the door quietly and comes inside only to find the whole house silent and dark. Turning on the lights she stops on her track to take in the sight. In the living room her favourite 80s music is being played , her favourite books are laid on the table along with butter scotch icecream tub , a large pizza and  a handwritten paper is stuck on the table right beside it. She goes forward and taking the letter in her hand she starts reading ,

   "........... I really didn't mean to drop the food you made. I only wanted to finish my work quickly so that I could eat lunch with you while sitting on the balcony and watching the rain and storm cause i know how much you crave for that .. i didn't want to eat alone and let you eat alone even when we both are at home after so many hectic days. I meant to express my NO and became a bit impatient..you just wouldn't understand my point and i was just not able to tell you this face to face. There's a pizza over there as an apology... I tried for the first time...not sure if that is edible. I am so sorry for today . I am truly guilty.
               Can we atleast eat this pizza together?... beside the window?... while watching the clouds in darkness with your favourite song as background music and me reading you your favourite story? Please?? I really want to spend time with you and relax. It's up to you though."

    After completing reading the letter she turns around and finds her boyfriend standing near the kitchen counter, looking at her with a blanket in his hand...waiting for her response. She writes something on the paper and goes upstairs. His face holds a broken look and he comes forward and picks up the letter. There is written ,
    " Coming in a few minutes. "
His face brightenes up in an instant and he starts getting the sofa ready. She comes down after a few minutes as promised and gets under the blanket together. She sees yet another note stuck on table -
    ' Is cuddling ok? '
              She picks up the note and writes something and puts it back. He picks it up and saw the answer -
    ' You probably don't want to get stuck with an annoying and intolerable person in your arms. So NO. '
    He remembers what he blurted out previously while being nervous and curses himself. But given his bold and flirtatious nature he quickly figures something out and writes on the paper. It read -
    ' If you're intolerable , then let me be the one to tolerate you. '
     She sees it and tries hard to resist blushing. Gosh ! He's unbelievable ! She avoids giving an answer and instead feeds herself the pizza. Then she remembers , he too didn't have lunch and passes another fresh piece towards him. Instead of taking that , he pulls her towards him with her left hand and takes one bite from the half eaten piece of pizza which she was holding in her right hand.
   Bright red... that's the colour of her ears right now.. it's a reflex for her.. she can't resist blushing upon his unpredictable actions even if it has been two years of their relationship. But due to the enemies to lovers trope , they both sometimes are unable to express themselves infront of the another , they even struggle with  complimenting each other.. still now they haven't confessed to each other. But deep down they're aware of each other's feelings .. they just suck at using words.. both of them.. but they're indeed compatible when they're together.. Because they complete each other.
    He , being the popular heartthrob of highschool , is habituated with complimenting girls here and there , although he never really meant those. But infront of her , he becomes so sensitive and is always unable to let the words out to say how beautiful she truly is.. cause that's just how much he adores her that he cannot find words to express that feeling. So instead he says the otherwise and makes her mad. The reason he can say those things so easily is he don't mean any of those . What a misfit people might say!
   But that's not it.
     She being the equally popular , but quiet and reserved girl , never really gave in to anyone. But she looses herself infront of his bold gaze. She switches to being submissive so easily with just one of his glances. She finds her heart melting with everything he does when he's trying to make up with her. She finds herself smiling while looking at his morning face everyday and later dwelling in his thoughts while looking at him and spending another good 15 minutes there before getting up and leaving the room silently. What she doesn't know is , he is aware of her admiring his sleeping profile and he intentionally wakes up 1 hour before her just to feel her soft touch on his hair and  her finger tracing on his forehead.
    She speaks first . " It's good. "
    He feels her frozen in her arms.. not moving a single muscle.. he wonders if he's making her uncomfortable. He says-
    " Should I leave your hand? And go over to the other side to sit?"
     " No. " Her response was instant and short.
     " I am fine with -" she seems to understand what he was thinking and interrupts him ,
     " It's because you have held me after a really long time .... I am just overwhelmed , not uncomfortable. "
      Clearing the misunderstanding she looks up to his face and finds his eyes holding the most broken look ever. He realises how much  , work has distanced him from her that his touch feels foreign to her. His eyes give up on the tears they were holding in with all their might and almost inaudible sobs leave his mouth. She is quick to hug him to provide him with the emotional support. He breaks down in her embrace. His hold tightens around her shoulder with each passing second and she lets him . She whispers , " it's alright. We'll work on ' us ' . We'll be alright. " That calms him down but his hold on her doesn't loosen. Minutes pass by and he regains his balance. He asks , " so which book today? "
  She replies , " no need for that. Just stay here with me.. in silence. "
   He buries his face deeper into the crook of her neck and a muffled 'okay' comes out. She secures the blanket around them or especially *him* . After few more minutes he looks up from her shoulder and finds her gazing the night sky and the clouds with so much love in her eyes.
    " You really love the sky huh? "
    " I do. They make me the happiest. "
    " Even more than me? "
    " Huh? Huh..yes...ofcourse.."
    " But you look at me with way more love in your eyes... doesn't that mean I make you happier than anything?"
    " When do I ever do that? "
    " In the morning love.. how can you forget that! You look at me with starry eyes and the prettiest smile on your face while running your fingers through my hair. "
   Yet another case where she's left speechless by his bold choice of words. She's even more embarrassed due to being exposed. She looks away from his gaze trying to surpass her smile from forming but failing miserably and he watches her struggling with a smirk on his face complimenting his sharp features. The music plays in the background ...

Take my hand
    Take my whole life too
     Cause i can't help falling in love with you:)✨🤍

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